نتایج جستجو

The Governance and Management of Universities in Asia: Global Influences and Local Responses
Chang Da Wan (editor), Molly N.N. Lee (editor), Hoe Yeong Loke (editor), 2019
Laughing Matters: Comic Tradition in India
Lee Siegel, 1987
Geophysics in the Affairs of Mankind: A Personalized History of Exploration Geophysics
L. C. (Lee) Lawyer, Charles C. Bates, and Robert B. Rice, 2001
Asian America.Net: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Cyberspace
Rachel C. Lee (editor), Sau-ling Cynthia Wong (editor), 2003
Strategic Management Creating Competiti
Gregory Dess, Gerry McNamara, Alan Eisner, Seung-Hyun Lee, 2020
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++: Pocket Primer
Lee Wittenberg, 2017
Principles of animal behavior
Lee Alan Dugatkin., 2019
Dalla parte di Lee. La vera storia della guerra di secessione americana
Alberto Pasolini Zanelli, 2006
Data analysis using hierarchical generalized linear models with R
Youngjo Lee, Lars Ronnegard, Maengseok Noh, 2017
Politics and History in Band Societies
Richard Lee, 1982
Sustaining Seas: Oceanic Space and the Politics of Care
Elspeth Probyn (editor), Kate Johnston (editor), Nancy Lee (editor), 2020
Lee's Ophthalmic Histopathology
Fiona Roberts; Chee Koon Thum, 2021
The Fungus Link: An Introduction to Fungal Disease, Including the Initial Phase Diet
Doug A. Kaufmann, Beverly Thornhill Hunt (editor), William Lee Cowden MD, 2000
Longevity : An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide (Alternative Medicine Definative Guide)
W. Lee Cowden, Ferre Akbarpour, Russ DiCarlo, Burton Goldberg, 2001
Cancer Diagnosis: What to Do Next
W. John Diamond, W Lee Cowden, Burton Goldberg, 2000
Meat, poultry, and seafood technology
Robert Lee Henrickson, 1978
Organizational behavior and theory in healthcare : leadership perspectives and management applications
Kenneth L. Johnson; Stephen Lee Walston; Association of University Programs in Health Administration,, 2022
Helene Black ; Sheila Pinkel; George Alexander; Alisa Prudnikova; Ksenia Fedorova; Lee Wells, 2008
The Bianchi of 1399 in Central Italy: Making Devotion Local
Alexandra R. A. Lee, 2021