نتایج جستجو

Classical Spies: American Archaeologists with the OSS in World War II Greece
Susan Heuck Allen, 2011
Classical Spies: American Archaeologists with the OSS in World War II Greece
Susan Heuck Allen, 2011
The Classical Foundations of the American Constitution: Prevailing Wisdom
David J. Bederman, 2008
Ancient Greece and American Conservatism: Classical Influence on the Modern Right
John A. Bloxham, 2018
Ancient Greece and American Conservatism: Classical Influence on the Modern Right
John A. Bloxham, 2018
Back from Exile: Six Speeches upon His Return (American Philological Association, Classical Resources Series No. 4)
Marcus Tullius Cicero, D. R. Shackleton Bailey, 1991
Classical Sociological Theory and Foundations of American Sociology
Allison L. Hurst, 2018
Technology Teachers as Researchers: Philosophical and Empirical Technology Education Studies in the Swedish TUFF Research School
Inga-Britt Skogh, Marc J. De Vries (eds.), 2013
Nanoplasmonics, Nano-Optics, Nanocomposites, and Surface Studies: Selected Proceedings of the Second FP7 Conference and the Third International Summer School Nanotechnology: From Fundamental Research to Innovations, August 23-30, 2014, Yaremche-Lviv, Ukraine
Olena Fesenko, Leonid Yatsenko (eds.), 2015
Advanced Studies in Biometrics: Summer School on Biometrics, Alghero, Italy, June 2-6, 2003. Revised Selected Lectures and Papers
J. Bigun, J. Fierrez-Aguilar, J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez (auth.), Massimo Tistarelli, Josef Bigun, Enrico Grosso (eds.), 2005
A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary (School of Oriental & African Studies)
D. N. Mackenzie, 2002
Advanced Studies in Biometrics: Summer School on Biometrics, Alghero, Italy, June 2-6, 2003. Revised Selected Lectures and Papers
J. Bigun, J. Fierrez-Aguilar, J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez (auth.), Massimo Tistarelli, Josef Bigun, Enrico Grosso (eds.), 2005
After-School Centers and Youth Development: Case Studies of Success and Failure
Barton J. Hirsch, Nancy L. Deutsch, David L. DuBois, 2011
After-school centers and youth development: case studies of success and failure
Barton J. Hirsch & Nancy L. Deutsch & David L. DuBois, 2011
The Spirit of the School (Continuum Studies in Education)
Julian Stern, 2009