نتایج جستجو

From Accelerated Accumulation to Socialist Market Economy in China
Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard; Koen Rutten, 2017
Justice in Luritz experiencing socialist law in East Germany
Inga Markovits, 2010
Stasi State or Socialist Paradise?: The German Democratic Republic and What Became of It
John Green; Bruni de la Motte, 2015
Stasi State or Socialist Paradise?: The German Democratic Republic and What Became of It
John Green; Bruni de la Motte, 2015
The Socialist Challenge Today
Sam Gindin; Leo Panitch, 2018
Re-Centring the City: Global Mutations of Socialist Modernity
Jonathan Bach, Michal Murawski, 2020
The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and His Followers
Thorstein Veblen, 2017
The Arab Baʻth Socialist Party: History, Ideology, and Organization
Kamel Abu Jaber, 1966
Satan is a Socialist: A Capitalist World viewed through an Anarcho-Capitalist Lens
Joseph Parampathu, 2015
Rethinking Socialism: What Is Socialist Transition?
Deng-Yuan Hsu & Pao-Yu Ching, 2017
Pacifism in Japan: The Christian and Socialist Tradition
John F. Howes, 2002
From Stalin to Mao: Albania and the Socialist World
Elidor Mëhilli (Mehilli)
A Documentary Study of Hendrik De Man, Socialist Critic of Marxism
Hendrik de Man, 2016
What Remains: Everyday Encounters with the Socialist Past in Germany
Jonathan Bach, 2017