نتایج جستجو

The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition
Lawrence Shapiro, 2014
Representation Theory and Automorphic Functions
I. M. Gel’fand, M. I. Graev, I. I. Pyatetskii-Shapiro, 1969
Harvard Business Review Guides Ultimate Boxed Set (16 Books)
Harvard Business Review; Nancy Duarte; Bryan A. Garner; Mary Shapiro; Jeff Weiss, 2019
Gender Circuits: Bodies and Identities in a Technological Age
Eve Shapiro, 2010
Integration of Functionals. Seminar
Friedrichs K.O., Shapiro H.N., 1957
Neurobiology for Clinical Social Work: Theory and Practice
Jeffrey S. Applegate, Janet R. Shapiro, 2005
Living Donor Organ Transplantation(Softcover Edition for Special Sale)
Henkie P. Tan, Amadeo Marcos, Ron Shapiro, 2008
Elementi di fisica tecnica per l'ingegneria
M.J. Moran, H.N. Shapiro, B.R. Munson, D.P. DeWitt, 2011
Windows server 2016 unleashed
Michael Noel; Chris Amaris; Omar Droubi; Andrew Abbate; Guy Yardeni; Rand Morimoto; Jeffrey R. Shapiro, 2017
Modulations. A History of Electronic Music: Throbbing Words on Sound
Peter Shapiro; Iara Lee, 2000
Many Mahābhāratas
Hawley, Nell Shapiro; Pillai, Sohini Sarah;; Sohini Sarah Pillai, 2021
Many Mahābhāratas
Hawley, Nell Shapiro; Pillai, Sohini Sarah;; Sohini Sarah Pillai, 2021
Science and Religion: A Very Short Introduction
Thomas Dixon, Adam Shapiro, 2022
The Time of the City
Michael J. Shapiro, 2010
The Time of the City: Politics, Philosophy and Genre
Michael J Shapiro, 2010
The Cinematic Political: Film Composition as Political Theory
Michael J Shapiro, 2019
Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All
Rose Shapiro, 2010
Decolonizing the Undead: Rethinking Zombies in World-Literature, Film, and Media
Stephen Shapiro; Giulia Champion; Roxanne Douglas, 2022
Geopolitics of the Pakistan-Afghanistan Borderland
Syed Sami Raza; Michael J. Shapiro, 2020