نتایج جستجو

Las Fragatas de vela de la Armada Española 1650-1853 (Su evolución técnica)
Enrique García-Torralba Pérez, 2011
Answer the Call: Virtual Migration in Indian Call Centers
Aimee Carrillo Rowe; Sheena Malhotra; Kimberlee Pérez, 2013
Innovating: A Doer’s Manifesto for Starting from a Hunch, Prototyping Problems, Scaling Up, and Learning to Be Productively Wrong
Luis Perez-Breva, Nick Fuhrer, Edward Roberts, 2017
Techno-Economic Paradigms: Essays in Honour of Carlota Perez
Wolfgang Drechsler, Rainer Kattel, Erik S. Reinert, 2009
Leçons de physique : une approche moderne. Physique tout en un ; MPSI, PCSI, PSI ; 1ère année
Eric Desmeules, Christophe Lagoute, José-Philippe Perez, Olivier Pujol, 2011
Leçons de physique : une approche moderne
Eric Desmeules, Christophe Lagoute, José-Philippe Perez, Olivier Pujol, 2011
Anatomy of the Organs
Vincent Perez
Enjoying Natural Computing. Essays dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez
Carmen Graciani, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, 2018
Enjoying Natural Computing. Essays dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez
Carmen Graciani, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa (Editors), 2018
New Perspectives on the Study of Ser and Estar
Isabel Pérez-Jiménez (Editor), Manuel Leonetti (Editor), Silvia Gumiel-Molina (Editor), 2015
The Human Virome
Andrés Moya, Vicente Pérez Brocal, 2018
Software Architecture
Carlos E. Cuesta, David Garlan, Jennifer Pérez, 2018
Derecho de la propiedad intelectual
Solorio Perez, Óscar Javier, 2010
Karl Marx. Invitación a su lectura
Sergio Pérez Cortés, 2010
La razón en la historia. Hegel, Marx, Foucault
Sergio Pérez Cortés, 2013
Aladas Palabras: Correos y Comunicaciones en el Mediterráneo
Aurelio Pérez Jiménez; Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti, 1999
El cártel negro
Pérez, Ana Lilia, 2012
Historiography in the Revolution - A Bibliography of Cuban Scholarship, 1959-1979
Louis A. Pérez, Jr., 1982
The Legacy of Bernard de Montfaucon: Three Hundred Years of Studies on Greek Handwriting: Proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium of Greek Palaeography (Madrid-Salamanca, 15-20 September 2008)
Antonio Bravo García; Inmaculada Pérez Martín, 2010
Applications of Time-of-Flight and Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry in Environmental, Food, Doping, and Forensic Analysis
Sandra Pérez, Peter Eichhorn and Dami`Barceló (Eds.), 2016
Relativité : fondements et applications : avec 150 exercices et problèmes résolus
Anterrieu, Éric; Pérez, José-Philippe, 2016