نتایج جستجو

Stochastic processes and functional analysis, M.M.Rao's 65th birthday
Goldstein J., 1997
Coal processing and utilization
Gouricharan, T.; Subba Rao, D. V, 2016
Fundamentals of microsystems packaging
Tummala, Rao R, 2001
Digital Connectivity – Social Impact: 51st Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India, CSI 2016, Coimbatore, India, December 8-9, 2016, Proceedings
S. Subramanian, R. Nadarajan, Shrisha Rao, Shina Sheen (eds.), 2016
Molecular Cytopathology
Bin Yang, Jianyu Rao (eds.), 2016
International Medical Graduate Physicians: A Guide to Training
Nyapati R. Rao, Laura Weiss Roberts (eds.), 2016
Data Gathering, Analysis and Protection of Privacy Through Randomized Response Techniques: Qualitative and Quantitative Human Traits
Arijit Chaudhuri, Tasos C. Christofides and C.R. Rao (Eds.), 2016
Cognitive Computing: Theory and Applications
Venkat N. Gudivada, Vijay V. Raghavan, Venu Govindaraju and C.R. Rao (Eds.), 2016
C++ in One Hour a Day
Siddhartha Rao, 2017
Topics in Climate Modeling
Theodore Hromadka, Prasada Rao, 2016
Topics in Climate Modeling
Theodore Hromadka and Prasada Rao, 2016
History of the Modern World. From AD 1500 to AD 2013
B.V. Rao, 2015
History of Asia. From Early Times to the Present
B.V. Rao, 2013
History of Modern Europe: AD 1789-2013
B.V. Rao, 2015
Statistical Methodologies with Medical Applications
Poduri S.R.S. Rao, 2017
Speech Recognition Using Articulatory and Excitation Source Features
K. Sreenivasa Rao, Manjunath K E (auth.), 2017
Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies
Nirmala Rao, Jing Zhou, Jin Sun (eds.), 2017
Geriatric rehabilitation : from bedside to curbside
Poduri, K. Rao, 2017
The Coffee Roaster’s Companion
Scott Rao, 2014
Aggregate Demand and Supply: A Critique of Orthodox Macroeconomic Modelling
B. Bhaskara Rao (eds.), 1998
Transforming Local Political Leadership
Rikke Berg, Nirmala Rao (eds.), 2005