نتایج جستجو

National systems of innovation : toward a theory of innovation and interactive learning
Lundvall, Bengt-Åke, 2010
Women as Foreign Policy Leaders: National Security and Gender Politics in Superpower America
Sylvia B Bashevkin, 2018
Safeguarding Democratic Capitalism: U. S. Foreign Policy and National Security, 1920-2015
Melvyn P. Leffler, 2017
Terrorisme en France, faire face !
Institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice, 2016
An Uncommon History of Common Things
National Geographic, Henry Petroski, 2015
The Culture of Defeat : On National Trauma, Mourning, and Recovery
Wolfgang Schivelbusch
American Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith
National Museum of American History, Harry R. Rubenstein, William Bird, Lisa Kathleen Graddy, Barbara Clark Smith, 2017
Literary autobiography and Arab national struggles
Tahia Abdel Nasser, 2017
Palestinian State Formation: Education and the Construction of National Identity
Nubar Hovsepian, 2008
Language as a Scientific Tool: Shaping Scientific Language Across Time and National Traditions
Miles MacLeod, Rocío G. Sumillera, Jan Surman, Ekaterina Smirnova, 2016
Art Nouveau: International and National Styles in Europe
Jeremy Howard, 1996
Prosecutors and Democracy, A Cross-National Study
Máximo Langer, David Alan Sklansky, 2017
Method of Testing HVAC Air Ducts
the American National Standards Institute, 2016
The Covert Sphere: Secrecy, Fiction, and the National Security State
Timothy Melley, 2012
Hiking Mount Rainier National Park: A Guide To The Park’s Greatest Hiking Adventures
Mary Skjelset, Heidi Radlinski, 2018
National Identity in Contemporary Australian Opera: Myths Reconsidered
Michael Halliwell, 2017
Modernisation Strategy for National Irrigation Systems in the Philippines: Balanac and Sta. Maria River Irrigation Systems
Mona Liza F. Delos Reyes, 2017
故宮檔案述要 (故宫档案述要) (Introduction of Historical Archive in National Palace Museum, Taipei)
莊吉發 (庄吉发) (Chuang, Chi-fa)