نتایج جستجو

Development and Environmental Politics Unmasked: Authority, Participation and Equity in East Timor
Christopher J Shepherd, 2013
Graphic Borders: Latino Comic Books Past, Present, and Future
Frederick Luis Aldama (editor), Christopher González (editor), 2016
Unity on the Global Left: Critical Reflections on Samir Amin's Call for a New International
Barry K Gills; Christopher Chase-Dunn, 2021
Think Tanks in the US and EU: The Role of Policy Institutes in Washington and Brussels
Christopher James Rastrick, 2017
Remaking Europe in the Margins: Northern Europe After the Enlargements
Christopher S. Browning, 2020
The Rehnquist Court and Criminal Punishment
Christopher E. Smith, 1997
Chinese Nationalism in the Global Era
Christopher R. Hughes, 2004
Choosing Your Battles: American Civil-Military Relations and the Use of Force
Peter D. Feaver; Christopher Gelpi, 2003
Christianity and American State Violence in Iraq: Priestly or Prophetic?
Christopher A Morrissey, 2018
A Citizen's Guide to Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Christopher C. Harmon, 2013
Book of the Treasure of Alexander: Ancient Hermetic Alchemy & Astrology
Christopher Warnock (editor), 2010
The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth
Christopher Grey, 2017
Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery)
Christopher Bulstrode (editor), James Wilson-MacDonald (editor), Deborah M. Eastwood (editor), John McMaster (editor), Jeremy Fairbank (editor), Parminder J. Singh (editor), Sandeep Bawa (editor), Panagoitis D. Gikas (editor), Tim Bunker (editor), 2017
The End of Overkill: Reassessing U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy
Benjamin Friedman; Christopher Preble; Matt Fay, 2013
Atlas of the World’s Languages Danger
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); Christopher Moseley, (Ed.), 2010
Neoliberalisms in British Politics
Christopher Byrne, 2018
Fundamentals of Industrial Problem Solving: A Practitioner's Guide
David M. Jacobson, Dana Livingston, J.P. Chauvel, Zdravko I. Stefanov, Eldad Herceg, Carla Schmidt, Sunil Kumar Chaudhary, Christopher Paul Christenson, 2022
Into the White: The Renaissance Arctic and the End of the Image
Christopher P. Heuer, 2019
"Placing" Europe in the museum : people(s), places, identities
Katherine Jane Lloyd; Christopher Whitehead; Susannah Eckersley; Rhiannon Mason, 2013
Moche: Propuestas y perspectivas. Actas del Primer Coloquio sobre la Cultura Moche, Trujillo, 12 al 16 de abril de 1993
Santiago Uceda, Elías Mujica (eds.), Izumi Shimada, Adriana Maguiña, Alfredo Narváez, Jaime Castillo, Christopher Donnan, Régulo Franco, César Gálvez, Segundo Vásquez, Glenn Russell, Banks Leonard, Jesús Briceño, Garth Bawden, Ismael Pérez, Santiago Uceda, Ricardo Morales, José Canziani, María Montoya, John Verano, Peter Kaulicke, Steve Bourget, Cristobal Campana, Ricardo Morales, Elías Mujica (auts.), 1994
Osteoimmunology: Interactions of the Immune and skeletal systems II
Edward M. Schwarz, Steven T. Proulx, Christopher T. Ritchlin (auth.), Yongwon Choi (eds.), 2010
The Mfecane Aftermath: Reconstructive Debates in Southern African History
Thomas Dowson, Elizabeth Eldredge, Norman Etherington, Jan-Bart Gewald, Simon Hall, Guy Hartley, Margaret Kinsman, Andrew Manson, John Omer-Cooper, Neil Parsons, Jeff Peires, Christopher Saunders, Alan Webster, John Wright, Dan Wylie, 1995