نتایج جستجو

Peasants in Russia from Serfdom to Stalin: Accommodation, Survival, Resistance
Boris B Gorshkov; Jonathan Smele; Michael Melancon, 2019
The End of Byzantium
Jonathan Harris, 2012
Terrorism and Homeland Security
Jonathan R. White, 2016
Race and Displacement: Nation, Migration, and Identity in the Twenty-First Century
Maha Marouan; Merinda Simmons; Houston A. Baker Jr; Philip D. Beidler; Trudier Harris; Regina N. Barnett; Walter Bosse; Ashon T. Crawley; Matthew Dischinger; Melanie Fritsh; Jonathan Glover; Delia Hagen; Deborah Katz; Kathrin Kottemann; Abigail G. H. Manzella; Yumi Pak; Cassander L. Smith; Lauren Vedal, 2013
Emerging infectious diseases from the global to the local perspective : workshop summary
Lederberg, Joshua; Davis, Jonathan R., 2001
Neurosurgery Oral Board Review
Jonathan Stuart Citow, Cory Adamson, 2011
Dancing Cultures: Globalization, Tourism and Identity in the Anthropology of Dance
Hélène Neveu Kringelbach, Jonathan Skinner, 2012
Learning from Shenzhen: China’s Post-Mao Experiment from Special Zone to Model City
Mary Ann O’Donnell; Winnie Won Yin Wong; Jonathan Bach, 2017
Augmented Reality for Developers: Build practical augmented reality applications with Unity, ARCore, ARKit, and Vuforia
Jonathan Linowes, Krystian Babilinski, 2017
Memory: A Very Short Introduction
Jonathan K. Foster, 2008
D-Day Through German Eyes: How the Wehrmacht Lost France
Jonathan Trigg, 29 May 2019
English Language: Description, Variation and Context
Jonathan Culpeper, Paul Kerswill, Ruth Wodak, Anthony Mcenery, Francis Katamba, 19 Mar 2018
The Routledge Guidebook to Mill’s On Liberty
Jonathan Riley, 2015
The Cinematic Mode of Production: Attention Economy and the Society of the Spectacle
Jonathan Beller, 2006
Errands into the Metropolis: New England Dissidents in Revolutionary London
Jonathan Beecher Field, Chris Onstad, 2009
Jonathan Harvey: Song Offerings and White as Jasmine
Michael Downes, 2009
jQuery 1.3. Wprowadzenie
Jonathan Chaffer, 2009
You Belong to the Universe: Buckminster Fuller and the Future
Jonathan Keats, 2016
Karl Marx. A Nineteenth-Century Life
Jonathan Sperber, 2013
How the Classics Made Shakespeare
Jonathan Bate, 2019
The Uses of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts c. 1066-1200
Mark Jonathan Faulkner, 2008
Changing Anarchism: Anarchist Theory And Practice In A Global Age
Jonathan Purkis, James Bowen, 2004
Barbecue: A Global History
Jonathan Deutsch, Megan J. Elias, 2014
Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Ira D. Papel, John L. Frodel, G. Richard Holt, Wayne F. Larrabee, Nathan E. Nachlas, Stephen S. Park, Jonathan M. Sykes, 2016