نتایج جستجو

The Practice of Creativity: A Manual for Dynamic Group Problem Solving
George M. Prince, 1972
Group Theoretic Cryptography
Maria Isabel Vasco, Spyros Magliveras, Rainer Steinwandt, 2015
Group Theory in Physics: A Practitioner's Guide
Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg, Michel Rausch de Traubenberg, 2018
SD Specifications - Part 1 - Physical Layer Specification - Version 3.01
SD Group, SD Card Association, 2010
SD Specifications - Part 2 - File System Specification - Version 3.00
SD Group, SD Card Association, 2009
IEEE Std 802.11(TM)-2016
802.11 Working Group of the LAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society, 2016
No Longer Invisible: Afro-Latin Americans Today
Minority Rights Group, 1995
The Visible and Invisible Group
Yvonne M. Agazarian, Richard Peters, 1995
Debating Difference: Group Rights and Liberal Democracy in India
Rochana Bajpai, 2011
Analytic Continuation of Group Representations
Elias M. Stein, 1972
Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonios (Latin America Otherwise: Languages, Empires, Nations)
Latina Feminist Group, Aurora Levins Morales (editor), Patricia Zavella (editor), Norma Alarcon (editor), Ruth Behar (editor), Luz del Alba Acevedo (editor), Celia Alvarez (editor), Rina Benmayor (editor), Clara Lomas (editor), Daisy Cocco de Filippis (editor), Gloria Holguin Cuadraz (editor), Liza Fiol-Matta (editor), Yvette Gisele Flores-Ortiz (editor), Mirtha F. Quintanales (editor), Eliana S. Rivero (editor), Caridad Souza (editor), 2002
Introduction to Magic, Volume III
Evola, Julius; UR Group, The, 2021
Introduction to Affine Group Schemes
W.C. Waterhouse, 1979
Medicinal Plants in the Asia Pacific for Zoonotic Pandemics, Volume 1: Family Amborellaceae to Vitaceae
Christophe Wiart; Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
Individual and Group Decision Making: Current Issues
N. John Castellan Jr., 2013
The Primes: How Any Group Can Solve Any Problem
Chris McGoff, 2012
Experiential Group Therapy Interventions with DBT: A 30-Day Program for Treating Addictions and Trauma
Allan J. Katz, Mary Hickam Bellofatto, 2018
The Philosophy of Group Polarization: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Psychology
Fernando Broncano-Berrocal, J. Adam Carter, 2021
Introduction to Louis Michel's lattice geometry through group action
Boris Zhilinskii, 2015
Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics
B.L. van der Waerden, 1974
International GAAP 2021: Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under International Financial Reporting Standards
Ernst & Young International Financial Reporting Group, 2020
Group Theory: The Application to Quantum Mechanics
Paul Herman Ernst Meijer; Edmond Bauer, 2004