نتایج جستجو

Surrender Invites Death Fighting the Waffen SS in Normandy
John A. English, 2011
Medizin und Krieg in historischer Perspektive- Medycyna i wojna w perspektywie historycznej: Beiträge der XII. Tagung der Deutsch-Polnischen ... im Kontext) (English and German Edition)
Ute Caumanns, Fritz Dross, Anita Magowska, 2012
Cronica del Traje Militar en Mexico del Siglo XVI al XX English-Francais-Deutsch
Joseph Hefter, 1968
OECD Economics Glossary : English-French.
OECD, 2006
English Electric Lightning
Jarrod Cotter, 2010
Saracen archery : An English version and exposition of a Mameluke work on archery
J. D. And Paterson, Lt. CDR. W. F. Latham, 1970
A Dictionary of English Rhyming Slangs
Antonio Lillo, Terry Victor, 2017
Intonation and Its Parts: Melody in Spoken English
Dwight Bolinger, 1985
Accents of English
John C. Wells, 1982
Accents of English: Beyond the British Isles
John. C. Wells, 1982
English Intonation: An Introduction
John C. Wells, 2006
Introduction to the Phonetics of American English
Charles Kenneth Thomas, 1958
Pronouncing English: A Stress-Based Approach
Richard V. Teschner, M. Stanley Whitley, 2004
Manual of American English Pronunciation
Clifford Holmes Prator, Robinett Betty Wallace, 1985
Phonological Analysis: Focus on American English
Walt Wolfram, Robert Johnson, 1982
New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English.
Charles-James N. Bailey, Roger W. Shuy (eds), 1974
Patterns of English Pronunciation
Donald J. Bowen, 1977
Modelling British English Intonation
Jan Roelof De Pijper, 1983
Rules of Pronunciation for the English Language
Axel Wijk, 1966
Listening in the Real World: Clues to English Conversation
Michael A. Rost, Robert K. Stratton, 1978
Phrase by Phrase: Pronunciation and Listening in American English
Marsha Chan, 1987
Teaching American English Pronunciation
Peter Avery, Susan Ehrlich, 1992
Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin, 1996