نتایج جستجو

Academic Discourse and Global Publishing: Disciplinary Persuasion in Changing Times
Ken Hyland, Feng (Kevin) Jiang, 2019
Academic Discourse and Global Publishing: Disciplinary Persuasion in Changing Times
Ken Hyland, Feng (Kevin) Jiang, 2019
Essays Against Publishing
Jamie Berrout; Isobel Bess, 2020
Tamizdat: Publishing Russian Literature Across Borders
Yasha Klots (editor), 2021
Innovations in Magazine Publishing
Simon Das, David Stam, Andrew Blake, 2021
Il rinascimento meridionale nell'editoria napoletana dell'Ottocento
Vincenzo Trombetta, 2014
Енциклопедія видавничої справи. Навчальний посібник
Ткаченко В.П., Чеботарьова І.Б., Киричок П.О., Григорова З.В., 2008
An Atlas of High Resolution Spectra of Rare Earth Elements for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Benli Huang, Xiaoru Wang, Pengyuan Yang,*Hai Ying, Sheng Gu, Zhigang Zhang, Zhixia Zhuang, Zhenhua Sun, 2000
Performance of Home Textiles (Woodhead Publishing India)
Subrata Das, 2011
Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine (Oxford Textbooks)
Evans J. Grimley, 2000
The New Politics of the Textbook: Problematizing the Portrayal of Marginalized Groups in Textbooks
Sandra Foster (auth.), 2012