نتایج جستجو

Developing 2D Games with Unity: Independent Game Programming with C#
Jared Halpern, 2018 [2019]
The Criminal Russia party. An independent expert report
Ilya Yashin, 2016
Moral rationalism and Sharīʻa; independent rationality in modern Shīʻī uṣūl al-fiqh
Bhojani, Ali Reza, 2015
Cybersecurity Management Guidelines Ver 1.1
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Independent Administrative Agency Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), 2016
A Position Independent Representation for Evolutionary Automatic Programming Algorithms - The Chorus System
Raja Muhammad Atif Azad, 2003
Not Hollywood: Independent Film at the Twilight of the American Dream
Sherry Ortner, 2013
Mute Records: The Historical and Artistic Contexts of Britain’s Key Independent Record Label
Zuleika Beaven; Marcus O’Dair; Richard Osborne, 2019
Human Rights in the Arab World. Independent Voices
Anthony Chase, Amr Hamzawy, 2008
Filming the Everyday: Independent Documentaries in Twenty-First-Century China
Paul G. Pickowicz, Yingjin Zhang (eds.), 2016
Micromuseology: An Analysis of Small Independent Museums
Fiona Candlin, 2015
American Independent Cinema: Rites of Passage and the Crisis Image
Anna Backman Rogers, 2015
Somewhat more independent : the end of slavery in New York City, 1770-1810
White, Shane, 2014
Hollywood’s Indies: Classics Divisions, Specialty Labels and American Independent Cinema
Yannis Tzioumakis, 2012
Limit theorems of probability theory: Sequences of independent random variables
Valentin V. Petrov, 1995
Nuclear Politics: The British Exprerience with an Independent Strategic Force 1939-1970
Andrew J. Pierre, 1972
The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics
Kevin D. Williamson, 23 July 2019
Animate to Harmony: the independent animator's guide to Toon Boom
Phillips, Adam, 2015