نتایج جستجو

Global Warming — Myth or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology
Professor Marcel Leroux (auth.), 2005
Global warming: myth or reality : the erring ways of climatology
Marcel Leroux, 2005
Myth, Memory and the Middlebrow: Priestley, du Maurier and the Symbolic Form of Englishness
Ina Habermann (auth.), 2010
Along the Path: Studies in Kabbalistic Myth, Symbolism, and Hermeneutics
Elliot R. Wolfson, 1995
Cultural Movements and Collective Memory: Christopher Columbus and the Rewriting of the National Origin Myth
Timothy Kubal (auth.), 2008
Chinese Energy Security: The Myth of the Plan's Frontline Status
Ryan Clarke, 2010
Chinese Energy Security: The Myth of the Plan's Frontline Status
Ryan Clarke, 2010
Epic Singers and Oral Tradition (Myth and Poetics)
Albert Bates Lord, 1991
Genre, Myth, and Convention in the French Cinema, 1929-1939
Colin Crisp, 2002
Singing the Past: Turkic and Medieval Heroic Poetry (Myth and Poetics)
Karl Reichl, 2000
Aphrodite and Venus in Myth and Mimesis
Nora Clark, 2015
The Myth of Executive Functioning: Missing Elements in Conceptualization, Evaluation, and Assessment
Leonard F. Koziol (auth.), 2014