نتایج جستجو

Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python Implement Advanced Deep Learning and Neural Network Models Using TensorFlow and Keras
Dipanjan Sarkar, Raghav Bali, Tamoghna Ghosh, 2018
Learning to innovate : learning regions
OECD, 2001
Hands-On Automated Machine Learning: A Beginner’s Guide to Building Automated Machine Learning Systems Using AutoML and Python
Sibanjan Das & Umit Mert Cakmak [Das, Sibanjan & Cakmak, Umit Mert], 2018
Machine Learning and Data Science: An Introduction to Statistical Learning Methods with R
Daniel D. Gutierrez [Daniel D. Gutierrez], 2015
German Short Stories: 9 Simple and Captivating Stories for Effective German Learning for Beginners
Language Learning University & Berndt Eisner, 2018
Centres of Learning: Learning and Location in Pre-Modern Europe and the Near East
Jan Willem Drijvers, Alasdair A. MacDonald, 1997
Learning TensorFlow. A Guide to building Deep Learning Systems
Tom Hope, Yehezkel S. Resheff, Itay Lieder, 2017
Machine Learning for the Quantified Self. On the Art of Learning from Sensory Data
Mark Hoogendoorn, Burkhardt Funk, 2017
Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support
Danail Stoyanov, Zeike Taylor, Gustavo Carneiro, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Anne Martel, Lena Maier-Hein, João Manuel R.S. Tavares, Andrew Bradley, João Paulo Papa, Vasileios Belagiannis, Jacinto C. Nascimento, Zhi Lu, Sailesh Conjeti, Mehdi Moradi, Hayit Greenspan, Anant Madabhushi, 2018
Python Deep Learning: Exploring deep learning techniques, neural network architectures and GANs with PyTorch, Keras and TensorFlow
Ivan Vasilev, Daniel Slater, Gianmario Spacagna, Peter Roelants, Valentino Zocca, 2019
Replica IITJEE mains 16 Comprehensive IIT JEE Tests Physics Chemistry Mathematics Researched and Designed by IITians Versus Learning Kota
Chemistry Physics Mathematics Versus Learning Kota, 2019
Learning Techniques for Accelerated Learning: Learn Faster by 300%
Archer, Sebastian, 2015
Solution of Replica IITJEE mains 16 Comprehensive IIT JEE Tests Physics Chemistry Mathematics Researched and Designed by IITians Versus Learning Kota
IITJEE Main Advanced 16 Comprehensive IIT JEE Tests Physics Chemistry Mathematics Researched and Designed by IITians Versus Learning Kota, 2019
Deep learning: adaptive computation and machine learning
Bengio, Yoshua; Courville, Aaron; Goodfellow, Ian J, 2016
Deep Learning with Keras: Implementing deep learning models and neural networks with the power of Python
Antonio Gulli, Sujit Pal, 2017
Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Python
Akshay Kulkarni, Adarsha Shivananda, 2019
Learning Tensorflow: A Guide to Building Deep Learning Systems
Tom Hope, Yehezkel S. Resheff, Itay Lieder, 2017
Mastering Machine Learning with Spark 2.x: Harness the potential of machine learning, through spark
Alex Tellez, Max Pumperla, Michal Malohlava, 2017