نتایج جستجو

Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins Held in Selva Di Fasano (Italy), May 23–26, 1983
Italy) International Symposium on Structure, 1983
Global Constitutionalism in International Legal Perspective (Queen Mary Studies in International Law)
Christine E. J. Schwobel, 2011
International Custom and the Continental Shelf: A Study in the Dynamics of Customary Rules of International Law
Zdenek J. Slouka (auth.), 1968
International Economic Law And Digital Divide: New Silk Road? (Elgar International Economic Law)
Rohan Kariyawasam, 2007
International Law for Humankind (Mague Academy of International Law)
Antnio Augusto Canado Trindade, 2010
International Law and International Relations: Bridging Theory and Practice
Thomas J. Biersteker, 2006
Peace through International Law: The Role of the International Law Commission. A Colloquium at the Occasion of its Sixtieth Anniversary
Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte (auth.), 2009