نتایج جستجو

Growth of High Permittivity Dielectrics by High Pressure Sputtering from Metallic Targets
María Ángela Pampillón Arce, 2017
Agroecology: Reweaving a New Landscape
Angela Hilmi (auth.), 2018
FluchtMigration und gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse: Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Simon Goebel, Thomas Fischer, Friedrich Kießling,Angela Treiber (eds.), 2018
Literarische und politische Zeitschriften des Exils 1933–1945
Angela Huß-Michel (auth.), 1987
Lectures on Liberation
Angela Y. Davis, 1971
Estupro, racismo e o mito do estuprador negro
Angela Davis, 2018
Racismo no movimento sufragista feminino
Angela Davis, 2018
Educação e libertação: a perspectiva das mulheres negras
Angela Davis, 2018
Truth About Stress
Angela Patmore, 2009
Critical Race Theory: An Introduction
Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic (eds.), 2017
Building Business Intelligence Using SAS: Content Development Examples
Tricia Aanderud, Angela Hall, 2012
La libertà è una lotta costante
Angela Davis, 2018
Idealization and the Aims of Science
Angela Potochnik, 2017
The Political Psychology of Women in U.S. Politics
Angela L. Bos, Monica C. Schneider, 2016
Women in Civil War Texas: Diversity and Dissidence in the Trans-Mississippi
Deborah M Liles, Angela Boswell, 2016
Garo Morphology: A Descriptive Analysis
Angela R. Wa·tre Ingty, 2008
Gender Budgeting in Europe: Developments and Challenges
Angela O'Hagan,Elisabeth Klatzer (eds.), 2018
The Rise of Babylon: Sign of the End Times
Charles H. Dyer, Angela Elwell Hunt, 1991
Policing Black Bodies: How Black Lives Are Surveilled and How to Work for Change
Angela J. Hattery, Earl Smith, 2018