نتایج جستجو

Mathematics in Early Years Education
Ann Montague-Smith, Tony Cotton, Alice Hansen, Alison J. Price, 2017
The Origin of Concurrent Programming: From Semaphores to Remote Procedure Calls
Per Brinch Hansen, 2002,2011
Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better
Brant Hansen, 2015
Architecture in Wood: A History of Wood Building and Its Techniques in Europe and North America
Hans-Jürgen Hansen (ed.), 1971
Engineering Noise Control, Fifth Edition
Bies, David A.; Hansen, Colin H.; Howard, Carl Q, 2017
Great at Work: How Top Performers Do Less, Work Better, and Achieve More
Morten T. Hansen, 2018
Sales-Side Negotiation: Negotiation Strategies for Modern-day Sales People
Patrick Henry Hansen, 2009
Handbook of Evidence-Based Radiation Oncology
Eric K. Hansen, Mack Roach III, 2018
The congressional career of Senator Francis E. Warren from 1890 to 1902
Hansen, Anne Carolyn
The Routledge History of Disability
Roy Hanes, Ivan Brown, Nancy E. Hansen (eds.), 2018
Experimental Psychology
Anne Myers, Christine Hansen, 2011
The Cambridge Companion to Merleau-Ponty
Taylor Carman, Mark B. N. Hansen, 2005
Chicken Soup for the Soul in Menopause: Living and Laughing through Hot Flashes and Hormones
Jack Canfield; Mark Victor Hansen; Dahlynn McKowen, 2012
Access to Asylum: International Refugee Law and the Globalisation of Migration Control
Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, 2011
The Reality of American Energy: The Hidden Costs of Electricity Policy
Ryan M. Yonk, Jordan Lofthouse, Megan Hansen, 2017
Polis and city-state: An ancient concept and its modern equivalent. Symposium January 9, 1998
Hansen, Mogens Herman (ed.), 1998
The Ancient Greek City-State
Hansen, Mogens Herman (ed.), 1993
Sources for the Ancient Greek City-State
Hansen, Mogens Herman (ed.), 1995
The Polis as an Urban Centre and as a Political Community
Hansen, Mogens Herman (ed.), 1997
Introduction to an Inventory of Poleis
Hansen, Mogens Herman, 1996
The Imaginary Polis
Hansen, Mogens Herman, 2005
A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures: An Investigation Conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre
Hansen, Mogens Herman (ed.), 2004
Three Studies in Athenian Demography
Hansen, Mogens Herman, 1988