نتایج جستجو

La luz misma : Traducir a Cecília Meireles en el Perú
Manuel Barrós, 2023
La Sainte Bible: texte latin et traduction française (t. 5): Sagesse à Baruch
Fillion, Louis-Claude, 1843-1927 & Isaac-Louis, Le Maistre de Sacy, 1613-1684, 1904
La Sainte Bible: texte latin et traduction française (t. 4): Psaumes au Cantique des Cantiques
Fillion, Louis-Claude, 1843-1927 & Isaac-Louis, Le Maistre de Sacy, 1613-1684, 1924
Sensing and Making Sense: Photosensitivity and Light-to-sound Translations in Media Art (Media Studies)
Graziele Lautenschlaeger, 2020
The Complexity of Social-cultural Emergence: Biosemiotics, Semiotics and Translation Studies
Kobus Marais (editor), Reine Meylaerts (editor), Maud Gonne (editor), 2024
Exploring Translation in Language Learning
Malgorzata Smentek, 2018
Exploring Translation in Language Learning
Malgorzata Smentek, 2018
Козацькому роду нема переводу
Карпов Валентин, 2019
Translation Is Required The Septuagint in Retrospect and Prospect
Robert J. V. Hiebert, 2010
Translational Surgery
Adam E.M. Eltorai (editor), Jeffrey A. Bakal (editor), Paige C. Newell (editor), Adena J. Osband (editor), 2023
Alfred Ludwigs englische Übersetzung des Rigveda (1886-1893): 1. Teil: Bücher I-V
Alfred Ludwig, Aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlaß herausgegeben von Raik Strunz, Vorwort von Walter Slaje, 2019
Translating and Interpreting in Korean Contexts: Engaging with Asian and Western Others
Ji-Hae Kang (editor), Judy Wakabayashi (editor), 2019
Forty Narrations on Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong (transl. Safaruk Z. Chowdhury)
Yusuf al-Nabhani, 2017
Переклад англійської наукової і технічної літератури
Вʼячеслав Карабан, 2004
The Routledge Handbook of the History of Translation Studies
Anne Lange; Daniele Monticelli; Christopher Rundle, 2024