نتایج جستجو

Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing, 4th Edition (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
John Wilmshurst, Adrian Mackay, 2002
Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing, 4th Edition (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
John Wilmshurst, Adrian Mackay, 2002
Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing, 4th Edition (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
John Wilmshurst, Adrian Mackay, 2002
Public Relations: Conte Issues and Techniques
Paul Baines, John Egan, Frank Jefkins, 2003
Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communications
John Doorley, Helio Fred Garcia, 2006
Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry
John Stauber, Sheldon Rampton, 2002
What's in a Name: Advertising and the Concept of Brands
John Philip Jones, Jan S. Slater, 2003
Assessing and Managing Security Risk in IT Systems: A Structured Methodology
John McCumber, 2004
Assessing and Managing Security Risk in IT Systems: A Structured Methodology
John McCumber, 2004
Campaign Trading: Tactics and Strategies to Exploit the Markets
John Sweeney, 1996
Campaign Trading: Tactics and Strategies to Exploit the Markets
John Sweeney, Jack Sweeney, 1996
Options, Futures, And Other Derivative Securities
John C Hull, 2002
Precision Trading With Stevenson Price and Time Targets
John R. Stevenson, 2004
Profiting With Forex: The Most Effective Tools and Techniques for Trading Currencies
John Jagerson, S. Wade Hansen, 2006
Recation kinetics and reactor design
John B. Butt, 1999
The Design and Implementation of Geographic Information Systems
John E. Harmon, Steven J. Anderson, 2003
The Design and Implementation of Geographic Information Systems
John E. Harmon, Steven J. Anderson, 2003
The Design and Implementation of Geographic Information Systems
John E. Harmon, Steven J. Anderson, 2003