نتایج جستجو

Undermining Racial Justice: How One University Embraced Inclusion and Inequality
Matthew Johnson, 2020
Taking Hold: From Migrant Childhood to Columbia University
Francisco Jiménez, 2015
Oracle University
Golf University: Become a Better Putter, Driver, and More—the Smart Way
Scott Weems, 2019
The Sustainable University of the Future: Reimagining Higher Education and Research
Mariam Ali S. A. Al-Maadeed, Abdelaziz Bouras, Mohammed Al-Salem, Nathalie Younan, 2023
Papyri of the University Library of Basel (P.Bas. II)
Matthias Huebner, Sabine R. / Claytor, W. Graham / Marthot-Santaniello, Isabelle / Müller, 2020
Community Partnership Schools: Developing Innovative Practice Through University-Community Partnerships
Jarrad D. Plante, Amy Ellis, 2023
Increasing competition for resources – what are the implications for security?
Frank Sauer, Metis Institute for Strategy and Foresight Bundeswehr University Munich (ed.), 2018
Student Self-Assessment: An Essential Guide for Teaching, Learning and Reflection at School and University
Maddalena Taras, Hwei Ming Wong, 2022
The Betrayal of the Humanities: The University during the Third Reich
Bernard M. Levinson. Robert P. Ericksen, 2022
NUM3511 Community Health Care in Nursing and Midwifery Practice
Edith Cowan University
Georgetown University
Paul R. O'neill; Bennie L. Smith, 2020
Student Outlines Part One for University Calculus
Joel R. Hass, Maurice D. Weir, George B. Thomas, Jr., 2006
Church as Politeia: The Political Self-Understanding of Christianity. Proceedings of a Becket Institute Conference at the University of Oxford, 28 September ¿1 October 2000
Christoph Stumpf / Holger Zaborowski (eds.), 2004
Welcome to Your Child's Brain: How the Mind Grows from Birth to University
Sandra Aamodt; Sam Wang, 2011
Creative Thinking in University Physics Education
Douglas P. Newton, Sam Nolan, Simon Rees, 2022