نتایج جستجو

Developments in Sustainable Geomaterials and Environmental Geotechnics (Sustainable Civil Infrastructures)
Kai Yao (editor), Mei Zhenyu (editor), Julius Komba (editor), 2021
Cold War Civil Defence in Western Europe: Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Survival and Preparedness
Marie Cronqvist (editor), Rosanna Farbøl (editor), Casper Sylvest (editor), 2021
Computational Intelligence: Research Frontiers: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2008, Hong Kong, China, June 1-6, 2008, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5050)
Jacek M. Zurada (editor), Gary G. Yen (editor), Jun Wang (editor), 2008
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV: 4th IFIP TC 12 International Conference, CCTA 2010, Nanchang, China, October 22-25, 2010, ... and Communication Technology, 346)
Daoliang Li (editor), Yande Liu (editor), Yingyi Chen (editor), 2011
Developments in International Bridge Engineering: Selected Papers from Istanbul Bridge Conference 2018 (Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, 17)
Polat Gülkan (editor), Alp Caner (editor), Nurdan Memisoglu Apaydin (editor), 2021
Cyber-Physical Systems: Modelling and Industrial Application (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 418)
Alla G. Kravets (editor), Alexander A. Bolshakov (editor), Maxim Shcherbakov (editor), 2022
Mutation Breeding and Efficiency Enhancing Technologies for Resistance to Striga in Cereals
Abdelbagi M. A. Ghanim (editor), Shoba Sivasankar (editor), Patrick J. Rich (editor), 2023
COVID-19 Pandemic and Global Inequality: Reflections in Labour Market, Business and Social Sectors
Rajib Bhattacharyya (editor), Ramesh Chandra Das (editor), Achintya Ray (editor), 2023
Contemporary Bone Marrow Transplantation (Organ and Tissue Transplantation)
Mammen Chandy (editor), Vivek S. Radhakrishnan (editor), Reghu K. Sukumaran (editor), 2021
Controversies in Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: A Case-Based Approach
Sanziana A. Roman (editor), Wen T. Shen (editor), Julie Ann Sosa (editor), 2023
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV: 4th IFIP TC 12 Conference, CCTA 2010, Nanchang, China, October 22-25, 2010, Selected Papers, ... and Communication Technology, 344)
Daoliang Li (editor), Yande Liu (editor), Yingyi Chen (editor), 2011
The Macedonian Front, 1915-1918: Politics, Society and Culture in Time of War (British School at Athens - Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies)
Basil Gounaris (editor), Michael Llewellyn-Smith (editor), Ioannis Stefanidis (editor), 2022
Quantum Software Engineering
Manuel A. Serrano (editor), Ricardo Pérez-Castillo (editor), Mario Piattini (editor), 2022
Mobile Information Systems II: IFIP Working Conference on Mobile Information Systems, MOBIS 2005, Leeds, UK, December 6-7, 2005 (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 191)
John Krogstie (editor), Karlheinz Kautz (editor), David Allen (editor), 2005
Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse: Impact on Individuals, Couples, Children and Minorities
Giovanni Corona (editor), Emmanuele A. Jannini (editor), Mario Maggi (editor), 2024
Blockchain and the Law: Dogmatics and Dynamics (Information Technology and Law Series, 37)
Francisco Pereira Coutinho (editor), Martinho Lucas Pires (editor), Bernardo Correia Barradas (editor), 2023
Development of Integrated Reporting in the SME Sector: Case Studies from European Countries (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance)
Joanna Dyczkowska (editor), Andrea Szirmai Madarasine (editor), Adriana Tiron-Tudor (editor), 2021
Design of Digital Systems and Devices (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 79)
Marian Adamski (editor), Alexander Barkalov (editor), Marek Wegrzyn (editor), 2011
Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics: Proceedings of ICDICI 2023 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
I. Jeena Jacob (editor), Selwyn Piramuthu (editor), Przemyslaw Falkowski-Gilski (editor), 2024
Computational Many-Particle Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics, 739)
Holger Fehske (editor), Ralf Schneider (editor), Alexander Weiße (editor), 2007
Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: Proceedings of ICCVBIC 2021 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1420)
S. Smys (editor), João Manuel R. S. Tavares (editor), Valentina Emilia Balas (editor), 2022
Complex Systems in Biomedicine
A. Quarteroni (editor), L. Formaggia (editor), A. Veneziani (editor), 2006
Clay Composites: Environmental Applications (Advances in Material Research and Technology)
Meththika Vithanage (editor), Giuseppe Lazzara (editor), Anushka Upamali Rajapaksha (editor), 2023
Blockchain Application Guide: Methodology and Practice
Xiaodan Tang (editor), Xiaotie Deng (editor), Rongfang Bie (editor), 2022