نتایج جستجو

Advances in Animal Health, Medicine and Production: A Research Portrait of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Animal Health (CIISA), University of Lisbon, Portugal
Antonio Freitas Duarte, Luís Lopes da Costa, 2020
The Emergence of the American University
Laurence R. Veysey, 1965
STATICS AND INFLUENCE FUNCTIONS : from a modern perspective.
Wesleyan University, 1910-1970: Academic Ambition and Middle-Class America
David B. Potts, 2015
New Semiotics Between Tradition and Innovation/ Nueva Semiótica entre tradición e innovación/ la Nouvelle Sémiotique entre tradition et innovation. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (Sofia. 2014 16-20 September, New Bulgarian University)
Kristian Bankov; Ivan Kasabov; Mony Almalech; Borislav Gueorguiev; George Tsonev; Reni Iankova; Dimitar Trendafilov; Ivo Iv. Velinov; Yagodina Manova; Boyka Batchvarova, (eds.), 2017
Letters to a Law Student: A Guide to Studying Law at University
Nicholas J McBride, 2013
Letters to a Law Student: A Guide to Studying Law at University
Nicholas J McBride, 2013
Peter of Auvergne: University Master of the 13th Century
Christoph Flüeler, 2013
Reciprocity and redistribution in Andean civilizations (Transcript of the Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures at the University of Rochester April 8th – 17th, 1969)
John V Murra, (auth.); Freda Yancy Wolf; Heather Lechtman, (eds.), 2020
University Physics with Modern Physics
Hugh D. Young; Roger A. Freedman; A. Lewis Ford, 2011
A Third University Is Possible
la Paperson, 2017
Washington University Manual of Echocardiography
Quader, Nishath; Makan, Majesh; Perez, Julio, 2017
Topology and Geometry of Biopolymers: Ams Special Session Topology of Biopolymers April 21-22, 2018 Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
Erica Flapan (editor), Helen Wong (editor), 2020
Report of the Task Group on Retention and Transfer
Gerald R Kissler; University of California (System). Task Group on Retention and Transfer., 1980
Discourse theory and practice : a reader
Margaret Wetherell; Simeon Yates; Stephanie Taylor; Open University, 2001
University Mathematics Handbook
Ben Zion Kon, 2015