نتایج جستجو

Arbitration Law in America: A Critical Assessment
Edward Brunet, Richard E. Speidel, Jean E. Sternlight, Stephen H. Ware, 2006
Comunitatea absentă
Jean-Luc Nancy, 2005
Flexible droit : pour une sociologie du droit sans rigueur
Jean Carbonnier, 2001
A Question and Answer Guide to Astronomy
Pierre-Yves Bely, Carol Christian, Jean-René Roy, 2010
A Question and Answer Guide to Astronomy
Pierre-Yves Bely, Carol Christian, Jean-René Roy, 2010
A Renormalization Group Analysis of the Hierarchical Model in Statistical Mechanics
Pierre Collet, Jean-Pierre Eckmann (auth.), 1978
Accretion discs, jets and high energy phenomena in astrophysics: , 29 July-23 August, 2002
Vassily Beskin, Gilles Henri, Guy Pelletier, Jean Dalibard, Francois Menard, 2004
Acoustics: an introduction
Paul Filippi, Aime Bergassoli, Dominique Habault, Jean Pierre Lefebvre, 2006
Acoustics: Basic Physics, Theory, and Methods
Paul Filippi, Aime Bergassoli, Dominique Habault, Jean Pierre Lefebvre, 1998
Adsorption by Powders and Porous Solids: Principles, Methodology and Applications
Jean Rouquerol, Françoise Rouquerol, Kenneth S.W. Sing, 1998
Adsorption by Powders and Porous Solids: Principles, Methodology and Applications
Jean Rouquerol, Françoise Rouquerol, Kenneth S.W. Sing, 1998
Black Holes: Theory and Observation : Proceedings of the 179th W.E. Heraeus Seminar Held at Bad Honnef, Germany, 18-22 August 1997
Jean-Pierre Luminet (auth.), Friedrich W. Hehl, Claus Kiefer, Ralph J.K. Metzler (eds.), 1998
Cosmologie physique = Physical cosmology
Haute-Savoie, France) (65th, 1996) Ecole dete de physique theorique (Les Houches, Roger Balian, Jean Audouze, David N. Schramm, 1980
Current Issues in Cosmology
Jean-Claude Pecker, Jayant Narlikar, 2006
Current Issues in Cosmology
Jean-Claude Pecker, Jayant Narlikar, 2006
Gravitation And Cosmology - From The Hubble Radius To The Planck Scale
Richard L. Amoroso, Geoffrey Hunter, Menas Kafatos and Jean-Pierre Vigier, 2002
Acoustic Particle Velocity Measurements Using Laser. Principles, Signal Processing and Applications
Jean-Christophe Valière, 2014
Acoustic Particle Velocity Measurements Using Laser: Principles, Signal Processing and Applications
Jean-Christophe Vali?re, 2014
Lonely Planet France
Lonely Planet, Nicola Williams, Oliver Berry, Stuart Butler, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Kerry Christiani, Gregor Clark, Emilie Filou, Catherine Le Nevez, Daniel Robinson, 2015
Bonding and Charge Distribution in Polyoxometalates: A Bond Valence Approach
K. H. Tytko, J. Mehmke, D. Kurad (auth.), Prof. Allen J. Bard, Prof. Ian G. Dance, Prof. Peter Day FRS, Prof. James A. Ibers, Prof. Toyohi Kunitake, Prof. Thomas J. Meyer, Prof. D. Michael P. Mingos, Prof. Herbert W. Roesky, Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Prof. Arndt Simon, Prof. Fred Wudl (eds.), 1999
Algorithms and Computation: 11th International Conference, ISAAC 2000 Taipei, Taiwan, December 18–20, 2000 Proceedings
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat (auth.), Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, Jan van Leeuwen, D. T. Lee, Shang-Hua Teng (eds.), 2000
Algorithms and Computation: 11th International Conference, ISAAC 2000 Taipei, Taiwan, December 18–20, 2000 Proceedings
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat (auth.), Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, Jan van Leeuwen, D. T. Lee, Shang-Hua Teng (eds.), 2000
Applications of ATILA FEM software to smart materials: Case studies in designing devices
Kenji Uchino, Jean-Claude Debus, 2013
A theory of shape identification
Frédéric Cao, José-Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Pablo Musé, Frédéric Sur (auth.), 2008