نتایج جستجو

Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
Thomas Cathcart, 2007
Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
Thomas Cathcart, 2007
From Plato to Lumière: Narration and Monstration in Literature and Cinema
Andre Gaudreault, 2009
Plato and the Virtue of Courage
Linda R. Rabieh, 2006
Plato and the Virtue of Courage
Linda R. Rabieh, 2006
Heidegger and Plato: Toward Dialogue
Catalin Partenie, 2005
The Socratic Method: Plato's Use of Philosophical Drama (Continuum Studies In Ancient Philosophy)
Rebecca Bensen Cain, 2007
Plato on the Human Paradox
Robert O’Connell, 1997
Plato and the Question of Beauty
Drew A. Hyland, 2008
Plato's Cratylus: The Comedy of Language
S. Montgomery Ewegen, 2013
Plato's Cratylus: The Comedy of Language
Shane Montgomery Ewegen, 2013
Plato's Laws : force and truth in politics
Sanday, Eric, 2012
Plato's Laws : force and truth in politics
Sanday, Eric, 2012
Plato's mathematical imagination: the mathematical passages in the dialogues and their interpretation
Robert S. Brumbaugh, 1954
Of myth, life, and war in Plato's Republic
Claudia Baracchi, 2002
Of Myth, Life, and War in Plato's Republic (Studies in Continental Thought)
Claudia Baracchi, 2001
The Quest For Meaning: Friends of Wisdom from Plato to Levinas
Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak, 2003
The Teachings of Syrianus on Plato's Timaeus and Parmenides
Sarah Klitenc Wear, 2011
Plato's 'Republic'
D.J. Sheppard, 2009
Plato's Breath: Poems (May Swenson Poetry Award Series)
Randall R. Freisinger, 1997
Aristotle's Criticism of Plato and the Academy
H. F. Cherniss, 1962
Plato: A Very Short Introduction
Julia Annas, 2003
Aristotle, Plato and Pythagoreanism in the First Century BC: New Directions for Philosophy
Malcolm Schofield, 2013