نتایج جستجو

Refugee Protection and the Role of Law: Conflicting Identities
Susan Kneebone, Dallal Stevens, Loretta Baldassar (eds.), 2014
Administrative Law for Public Managers
David H. Rosenbloom, 2014
A Question of Intent: Homicide Law and Criminal Justice in Qing and Republican China
Jennifer M Neighbors, 2018
Textus Roffensis: Law, Language, and Libraries in Early Medieval England
Bruce R. O’Brien; Barbara Bombi, 2015
Law and Sovereignty in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Robert S. Sturges, 2011
New Approaches to Early Law in Scandinavia
Stefan Brink; Lisa Collinson, 2014
Paper Tiger: Law, Bureaucracy and the Developmental State in Himalayan India
Nayanika Mathur, 2015
Tort law
Quinn, Frances, 2012
Rights and Redemption: History, Law and Indigenous People
Ann Curthoys, 2008
The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2017
Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo, 2018
Sodomy, Masculinity and Law in Medieval Literature: France and England, 1050-1230
William E. Burgwinkle, 2004
In the shadow of shariʻah: Islam, Islamic law, and democracy in Pakistan
Matthew J. Nelson, 2011
Legal Monism: Law, Philosophy, and Politics
Paul Gragl, 2018
Residues of justice : literature, law, philosophy
Wai-chee Dimock, 1996
Getting to Know ArcGIS® Pro
Michael Law; Amy Collins, 2016
The Law of Blood: Thinking and Acting as a Nazi
Johann Chapoutot, 2018
The politics of Shari’a law : Islamist activists and the state in democratizing Indonesia
Buehler, Michael, 2016
The new legal realism. Volume I, Translating law-and-society for today’s legal practice
Mertz, Elizabeth; Macaulay, Stewart; Mitchell, Thomas W. (eds.), 2016
Practical Aviation & Aerospace Law
J. Scott Hamilton; Sarah Nilsson, 2015