نتایج جستجو

Capitalist Development in India’s Informal Economy
Elisabetta Basile, 2013
A Passage to India
E. M. Forster, 1924
Human Rights in India (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)
Satvinder Juss (editor), 2019
Islamic Movements in India: Moderation and its Discontents
Arndt Emmerich, 2020
Fiction as History: The Novel and the City in Modern North India
Vasudha Dalmia, 2019
Healers or Predators?: Healthcare Corruption in India
Samiran Nundy; Keshav Desiraju; Sanjay Nagral, 2018
Ethnographies of Schooling in Contemporary India
Meenakshi Thapan, 2014
Trade, Investment and Economic Growth: Issues for India and Emerging Economies
Pooja Lakhanpal, Jaydeep Mukherjee, Biswajit Nag, Divya Tuteja, 2021
Buddhist Monks and Business Matters: Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India
Gregory Schopen, 2004
Language Policy and Education in India: Documents, Contexts and Debates
M. Sridhar and Sunita Mishra, 2017
The Christian Ashram Movement in India
Zdeněk Štipl, 2020
The Idea of India
Sunil Khilnani, 2016
The Idea of India
Sunil Khilnani, 2016
The Sixth River: A Journal from the Partition of India
Fikr Taunsvi; Tr. Maaz Bin Bilal, 2019
Cultures of Servitude: Modernity, Domesticity and Class in India
Raka Ray; Seemin Qayum, 2009
Advancement of Human Rights in India : Contemporary and Emerging Challenges
Debarati Halder, Shrut S. Brahmbhatt, 2021
The Wahhabi Movement in India
Qeyamuddin Ahmad, 2020
Nation, Diaspora, Trans-nation: Reflections from India
Ravindra K. Jain, 2010
Law and Society in Modern India
Marc Galanter (author),Rajeev Dhavan (Editor), 1992
Gay Bombay: Globalization, Love and (Be)longing in Contemporary India
Parmesh Shahani, 2020
The Frontier Complex: Geopolitics and the Making of the India–China Border, 1846–1962
Kyle J. Gardner, 2021