نتایج جستجو

Traduire Cicéron au XVe siècle - Le ›Livre des offices‹ d'Anjourrant Bourré
Olivier Delsaux, 2019
The Literature of Islam: A Guide to the Primary Sources in English Translation
Skreslet, Paula Youngman; Skreslet, Rebecca, 2006
Medicine in Translation
Danielle Ofri, MD, 2011
The Vulgate Bible, Volume VI: The New Testament: Douay-Rheims Translation
Angela M. Kinney, Swift Edgar, 2013
Quellen zur Geschichte des Partherreiches: Textsammlung mit Übersetzungen und Kommentaren - Bd. 3. Keilschriftliche Texte, Aramäische Texte, Armenische Texte, Arabische Texte, Chinesische Texte
Ursula Hackl, Bruno Jacobs, Dieter Weber (eds.), 2010
Micah: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Bob Becking, 2023
Uneasy Translations: Self, Experience and Indian Literature
Rita Kothari, 2022
Demostene, "Contro Leptine": Introduzione, Traduzione e Commento Storico
Mirko Canevaro, 2016
Tükör Biblia,GALATÁKNAK ÍRT LEVÉL, Tükör fordítás - Mirror Bible
Francois du Toit
Vichar Sagar (with Modern Hindi translation)
NischalDas, 2019
texts Quellen zur Geschichte des Partherreiches : Textsammlung mit Übersetzungen und Kommentaren
Hackl, Ursula; Jacobs, Bruno,; Weber, Dieter, 2010
Antonio Da Rho, Three Dialogues Against Lactantius: Dialogi Tres in Lactentium Critical Latin Edition, English Translation, Introduction, and Notes
David Rutherford; Paul Schulten, 2023
The Rumi Collection: An Anthology of Translations of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi (Shambhala Classics)
Kabir Helminski (editor), 2000
The "Roman de Troie" by Benoît de Sainte-Maure: A Translation
Benoît de Sainte-Maure, Glyn S. Burgess, Douglas Kelly, 2017
What Is Cultural Translation?
Sarah Maitland, 2017
The Prayer Rites of Synagogal Worship and their Historical Development: Edited and translated by Stefan C. Reif An English Translation of the German Edition of Berlin 1859
Leopold Zunz (editor); Stefan C. Reif (editor); Renate Egger-Wenzel (editor), 2023