نتایج جستجو

The Creating Word: Papers from an International Conference on the Learning and Teaching of English in the 1980s
Professor Patricia Demers FRSC, 1986
Hello Professor: A Black Principal and Professional Leadership in the Segregated South
Vanessa Siddle Walker, Ulysses Byas, 2009
Hello Professor: A Black Principal and Professional Leadership in the Segregated South
Vanessa Siddle Walker, Ulysses Byas, 2009
An Ancient Commentary on the Book of Revelation: A Critical Edition of the Scholia in Apocalypsin
Professor P. Tzamalikos, 2014
Existential Counselling & Psychotherapy in Practice
Professor Emmy van Deurzen, 2002
Grand Central Terminal: Railroads, Engineering, and Architecture in New York City
Professor Kurt C. Schlichting PhD, 2001
A Short Introduction to Climate Change
Professor Tony Eggleton, 2012
Organizational Myopia: Problems of Rationality and Foresight in Organizations
Professor Maurizio Catino, 2013
Global Climatology and Ecodynamics: Anthropogenic Changes to Planet Earth
Professor Arthur P. Cracknell, 2009
Arguments of Augustan Wit (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought)
Professor John Sitter, 2007
Interactionism (BSA New Horizons in Sociology)
Professor Paul A. Atkinson, 2003
American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy
Professor Andrew J. Bacevich, 2004
Geology and Metallogeny of Copper Deposits: Proceedings of the Copper Symposium 27th International Geological Congress Moscow, 1984
Professor Günther H. Friedrich, 1986
Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Brightest Explosions in the Universe
Professor Gilbert Vedrenne, 2009
Care-Related Quality of Life in Old Age: Concepts, Models and Empirical Findings
Professor of Social Gerontolog Marja Vaarama, 2008
Changing Classes: Stratification and Mobility in Post-Industrial Societies (SAGE Studies in International Sociology)
Professor Gosta Esping-Andersen, 1993
Alexander the Great: The Story of an Ancient Life
Professor Thomas R. Martin, 2012
Concepts and Models of a Quantitative Sociology: The Dynamics of Interacting Populations
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Weidlich, 1983
Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective
Professor Philip McMichael, 2003
Vorticity and Vortex Dynamics
Professor Jie-Zhi Wu, 2006
The Quantum Hall Effects: Integral and Fractional
Professor Tapash Chakraborty, 1995
A History of the Ecosystem Concept in Ecology: More than the Sum of the Parts
Professor Frank B. Golley, 1996
Die grenzenlose Unternehmung: Information, Organisation und Management Lehrbuch zur Unternehmensführung im Informationszeitalter
Professor Dr. Arnold Picot, 1998
Die grenzenlose Unternehmung: Information, Organisation und Management. Lehrbuch zur Unternehmensführung im Informationszeitalter
Professor Dr. Arnold Picot, 1996