نتایج جستجو

Technical Communication Strategies for Today (2nd Edition)
Richard Johnson-Sheehan, 2014
Anti-Angiogenesis Strategies in Cancer Therapies
Shaker Mousa, 2016
Strategies for Successful Writing
James A. Reinking, Robert A. von der Osten, 2016
Environmental restoration : science and strategies for restoring the Earth
John J Berger, 1990
How to Be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use
Randy J. Paterson PhD, 2016
The Therapeutic "Aha!": 10 Strategies for Getting Your Clients Unstuck
Courtney Armstrong, 2015
Strategies of Polemics in Greek and Roman Philosophy
Sharon Weisser, Naly Thaler, 2016
4G: Deployment Strategies and Operational Implications
Trichy Venkataraman Krishnamurthy, 2014
Stocks on the Move: Beating the Market with Hedge Fund Momentum Strategies
Andreas F. Clenow, 2015
Paleo Power Lunch Easy, Filling, & Delicious Workday Meal Strategies
Stormy Sweitzer, 2012
Toxicity Testing: Strategies to Determine Needs and Priorities
National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, Steering Committee on Identification of Toxic and Potentially Toxic Chemicals for Consideration by the National Toxicology Program, 1984
Effective computability of winning strategies
Michael O. Rabin, 1957
Basic to Advanced Strategies On Model Building
Bruce Bird, 2005
Pronunciation Learning Strategies and Language Anxiety: In Search of an Interplay
Magdalena Szyszka (auth.), 2017
Achieving Consensus in Robot Swarms: Design and Analysis of Strategies for the best-of-n Problem
Gabriele Valentini (auth.), 2017
Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce. Designing Trading Strategies and Mechanisms for Electronic Markets: AMEC/TADA 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, May 4, 2015, and AMEC/TADA 2016, New York, NY, USA, July 10, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
Sofia Ceppi, Esther David, Chen Hajaj, Valentin Robu, Ioannis A. Vetsikas (eds.), 2017
Learning Strategies in Engineering Mathematics: Conceptualisation, Development, and Evaluation of MP²-MathePlus
Birgit Griese (auth.), 2017
Chinese International Students’ Stressors and Coping Strategies in the United States
Kun Yan (auth.), 2017
Overcoming Students' Misconceptions in Science: Strategies and Perspectives from Malaysia
Mageswary Karpudewan, Ahmad Nurulazam Md Zain, A.L. Chandrasegaran (eds.), 2017
Research in Parental Involvement: Methods and Strategies for Education and Psychology
Yvette C. Latunde (auth.), 2017
Preservice Teachers, Social Class, and Race in Urban Schools: Experiences and Strategies for Teacher Preparation
Andrea D. Lewis (auth.), 2017