نتایج جستجو

The Book of Job in Form: A Literary Translation with Commentary
Jan P. Fokkelman, 2012
Demostene, "Contro Leptine": Introduzione, Traduzione e Commento Storico
Mirko Canevaro, 2016
Translating a Tradition : Studies in American Jewish History
Ira Robinson, 2008
Ezra: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Tamara Cohn Eskenazi, 2023
The Apocryphal Gospels: Texts and Translations
Bart Ehrman, Zlatko Plese, 2011
Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Pathways of Translation: Issues of Language and Communication
Piotr de Bończa Bukowski; Daniel J. Sax, 2023
In Translation : The Gabrielle Roy-Joyce Marshall Correspondence
Joyce Marshall; Gabrielle Roy; Jane Everett, 2006
Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Question of Translation
Larisa Cercel (editor); Adriana Serban (editor), 2015
Zoroastre : étude critique avec une traduction commentée des Gâthâ
Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin, 1948
The History of the Church: A New Translation
Eusebius, 2019
Whiteness In Puerto Rico: Translation at a Loss
Guillermo Rebollo Gil, 2023
Valerius Flaccus: Argonautica, Book 8: Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Cristiano Castelletti, Gesine Manuwald (editor), Antony Augoustakis (editor), Marco Fucecchi (editor), 2022
Hunain ibn Ishaq's «Questions on medicine for students»: Transcription and translation of the oldest extant syriac version (Vat. Syr. 192)
E. Jan Wilson, Samuel Dinkha, 2010
New Paths in Theatre Translation and Surtitling
Vasiliki Misiou (editor); Loukia Kostopoulou (editor), 2023
The Life of Saint Pankratios of Taormina: Greek text, English translation and commentary
Cynthia Stallman-Pacitti, 2018
Translating Beowulf Modern Versions in English Verse
Hugh Magennis, 2011
Philosophy of Language and Other Matters in the Work of Anton Marty : Analysis and Translations
Robin D. Rollinger, 2010
阿依努尔·乃比江, 2009
Valla's translation of Thucydides in Vat. lat. 1801: with the reproduction of the codex. Testo latino e inglese
Mortimer Chambers (editor), 2008