نتایج جستجو

Queering Digital India: Activisms, Identities, Subjectivities (Technicities)
Rohit K. Dasgupta, Debanuj Dasgupta, 2018
Queering Digital India: Activisms, Identities, Subjectivities
Rohit K. Dasgupta, Debanuj Dasgupta, 2018
The Archaeology of Sacred Spaces: The Temple in Western India, 2nd Century BCE–8th Century CE
Susan Verma Mishra, Himanshu Prabha Ray, 2016
Nation Games: History and Historiographical Imperatives in India
Benjamin Zachariah, 2020
Globalisation, Governance Reforms and Development in India
Kameshwar Choudhary, 2007
British Women Writers and the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1785-1835: Re-Orienting Anglo-India
Kathryn S. Freeman, 2014
Leaving the Land: Indigenous Migration and Affective Labour in India
Dolly Kikon and Bengt G. Karlsson, 2019
India and the Silk Roads: The History of a Trading World
Jagjeet Lally, 2021
An Economic History of India 1707–1857
Tirthankar Roy, 2021
Limestone Mining in India
A. K. Soni, P. Nema, 2021
Labour in Contemporary India
Praveen Jha, 2016
Historiography of Christianity in India
John C. B. Webster, 2012
Pluralism and Democracy in India: Debating the Hindu Right
Wendy Doniger (Editor), Martha C. Nussbaum (Editor), 2015
Pluralism and Democracy in India: Debating the Hindu Right
Wendy Doniger (Editor), Martha C. Nussbaum (Editor), 2015
Muslim Devotional Art in India (2nd Edition)
Yousuf Saeed, 2018
Muslim Devotional Art in India (2nd Edition)
Yousuf Saeed, 2018
Baba Padmanji: Vernacular Christianity in Colonial India
Deepra Dandekar, 2020
Caste and Democracy in India: A Perspective from Below
Vivek Kumar, 2014
Mutinies for Equality: Contemporary Developments in Law and Gender in India
Tanja Herklotz, Siddharth Peter de Souza, 2021
Women Mystics and Sufi Shrines in India
Kelly Pemberton, 2010