نتایج جستجو

Платон - Аристотель коллизия нашей судьбы
Ермаков О.В., 2013
Long Commentary on the de Anima of Aristotle
Averroes, 2009
The Lost Second Book of Aristotle's "Poetics"
Walter Watson, 2012
The role of good upbringing in Aristotle's ethics
Vailiou, 1996![Aristotle's Rhetoric [1964]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/8/845578-n.jpg)
Aristotle's Rhetoric [1964]
Leo Strauss
Nature, Justice, and Rights in Aristotle's Politics
Fred D. Miller Jr.
Retrieving Aristotle in an Age of Crisis
Aristotle., 2013
Retrieving Aristotle in an Age of Crisis
Aristotle., 2013
Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle
Christopher Shields, 2003
Aristóteles Grísk heimspeki
Gunnar Dal
Philosophie und sprachliche Ausdruck bei Demokrit, Plato und Aristoteles.
Kurt von Fritz, 1963
Two Greek Aristotelian commentators on the intellect : the De intellectu attributed to Alexander of Aphrodisias, and Themistius Paraphrase of Aristotle De anima, 3.4-8
introduction, translation, commentary,, 1990.
Зубов В.П., 2000
Cinque lezioni di filosofia. Aristotele, Kant, Comte, Bergson, Husserl
Xavier Zubiri, 1992