نتایج جستجو

Scientific Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Principles and Foundations
Mohamed Medhat Gaber (auth.), 2010
E-Healthcare Systems and Wireless Communications: Current and Future Challenges
Mohamed K. Watfa, 2011
E-Healthcare Systems and Wireless Communications: Current and Future Challenges
Mohamed K. Watfa, 2011
Journeys to data mining: Experiences from 15 renowned researchers
Mohamed Medhat Gaber (auth.), 2012
Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 14th Annual Symposium, CPM 2003 Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, June 25–27, 2003 Proceedings
Mohamed Ibrahim Abouelhoda, 2003
Phytotherapy in the management of diabetes and hypertension
Mohamed Eddouks, 2013
Agrarian Change in Central Rainlands: Sudan
Salih Mohamed, 1996
Reliability analysis of 220 kV power transformers in Egypt
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University)
Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) Analysis of Utility Power Transformers in Egypt
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University)
Handbook of infrared detection technologies
Mohamed Henini, 2002
Handbook of infrared detection technologies
Mohamed Henini, 2002
Histoire secrète de l'Algérie indépendante : L'Etat-DRS
Mohamed Sifaoui, 2012
Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications, volume 6
Mohamed Hassan, 2002
OPEC in a Shale Oil World: Where to Next?
Mohamed Ramady, 2015
Steady State Modeling and Analysis of DFIG for Variable-Speed Variable-Pitch Wind Turbines
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University)
IP Cores Design from Specifications to Production: Modeling, Verification, Optimization, and Protection
Khaled Salah Mohamed (auth.), 2016
African Political Parties: Evolution, Institutionalisation and Governance (OSSREA)
M.A. Mohamed Salih, 2003
African Political Parties: Evolution, Institutionalisation and Governance (OSSREA)
M.A. Mohamed Salih, 2003
Inter-Asterisk Exchange (IAX): Deployment Scenarios in SIP-Enabled Networks
Mohamed Boucadair(auth.), 2009
Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Observation and Control
Mohamed Djemai, 2015
Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing
Omar Mohamed, 2011