نتایج جستجو

Konzilien und kanonisches Recht in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter (Forschungen Zur Byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte - Neue Folge) (German Edition)
Hartmut Brandes, Wolfram / Hasse-Ungeheuer, Alexandra / Leppin, 2020
Electrokinetic Remediation for Environmental Security and Sustainability
Alexandra B. Ribeiro, Majeti Narasimha Vara Prasad, 2021
Serial Verbs
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, 2018
Einsterns Schwester - Sprache und Lesen - Ausgabe 2015 - 2. Schuljahr: Themenheft 3 - Verbrauchsmaterial
Roland Bauer (editor), Jutta Maurach (editor), Daniela Dreier-Kuzuhara, Katrin Pfeifer, Alexandra Schwaighofer, 2015
Imperatives and Commands
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, 2010
German Pop Music in Literary and Transmedial Perspectives
Alexandra Lloyd (editor), Robert Vilain (editor), Benedict Schofield (editor), Uwe Schütte (editor), 2021
Panowanie Kazimierza Jana Alberta i Alexandra Jagiellończyków krolow polskich i ksia̧ża̧t litewskich T. 1
wyjȩte z rȩkopismów Jana Albertrandego, 1827
Panowanie Kazimierza, Jana Alberta i Alexandra Jagiellończyków królów polskich i w. książąt litewskich. T. 2
wyjęte z rękopismów Jana Albertrandego ; wyd. Żegota Onacewicz., 1827
Das groβe Origami Weihnachtsbuch
Dirk, Alexandra, 2006
'Qasr al-Buleida': a Late Roman-Byzantine Fortified Settlement on the Dead Sea Plain Jordan
Alexandra Ariotti, 2009
Lotman's Cultural Semiotics and the Political
Andrey Makarychev, Alexandra Yatsyk, 2017
Language Rights in a Changing China: A National Overview and Zhuang Case Study
Alexandra Grey, 2021
Derivational Networks Across Languages
Alexandra Bagasheva, Lívia Körtvélyessy, Pavol tekauer, 2020
Vocabularies of International Relations after the Crisis in Ukraine
Andrey Makarychev (editor), Alexandra Yatsyk (editor), 2016
The Bianchi of 1399 in Central Italy: Making Devotion Local
Alexandra R. A. Lee, 2021
The Urban Ethnography Reader
Mitchell Duneier (editor), Philip Kasinitz (editor), Alexandra Murphy (editor), 2014
Figurativity across Domains, Modalities and Research Practices
Alexandra Bagasheva, Nelly Tincheva, 2022
The languages of the Amazon
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, 2012
The Description, Measurement and Pedagogy of Words
Alexandra Tsedryk (editor), Christine Doe (editor), 2019
Viking Law and Order: Places and Rituals of Assembly in the Medieval North
Alexandra Sanmark, 2017
Aesthetics of Religion: A Connective Concept
Alexandra K. Grieser, Jay Johnston (eds.), 2017
Negotiating the North
Sarah Semple, Alexandra Sanmark, Frode Iversen, Natascha Mehler, 2020