نتایج جستجو

Digital Libraries: People, Knowledge, and Technology: 5th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2002 Singapore, December 11–14, 2002 Proceedings
Christine L. Borgman (auth.), Ee- Peng Lim, Schubert Foo, Chris Khoo, Hsinchun Chen, Edward Fox, Shalini Urs, Thanos Costantino (eds.), 2002
Digital Libraries: People, Knowledge, and Technology: 5th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2002, Singapore, December 11-14, 2002. Proceedings
Ee-Peng Lim, Schubert Foo, Chris Khoo, Hsinchun Chen, Edward Fox, Shalini Urs, Thanos Costantino (eds.), 2003
Gregory of Tours: Life of the Fathers
Healthcare Information Management Systems: A Practical Guide
Edward L. Anderson (auth.), Marion J. Ball, Donald W. Simborg, James W. Albright, Judith V. Douglas (eds.), 1995
Healthcare Information Management Systems: A Practical Guide
Edward H. Shortliffe (auth.), Marion J. Ball, Robert I. O’Desky, Judith V. Douglas, James W. Albright (eds.), 1991
Project administration for design-build contracts : a primer for owners, engineers, and contractors
James Edward Koch; Douglas D Gransberg; Keith R Molenaar, 2010
A poet's glossary
Hirsch, Edward, 2014
Choosing Yiddish: New Frontiers of Language and Culture
Shiri Goren, Shiri Goren, Lara Rabinovitch, Lara Rabinovitch, Hannah S. Pressman, Hannah S. Pressman, Ela Bauer, Sarah Bunin Benor, Jeremy Dauber, Hasia Diner, Gennady Estraikh, Jordan Finkin, Dara Horn, Adriana X. Jacobs, Ari Y. Kelman, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Rebecca Kobrin, Josh Lambert, Barbara Mann, Tony Michels, Shachar Pinsker, Edward Portnoy, Jeffrey Shandler, Anna Shternshis, Rebecca Margolis, Anita Norich, Shayn Smulyan, Zehavit Stern, Asya Vaisman, Kalman Weiser, Jennifer Young, 2012
Agricultural and Synthetic Polymers. Biodegradability and Utilization
J. Edward Glass and Graham Swift (Eds.), 1990
Art and Science of Operative Dentistry
Theodore M. Roberson, Harold O. Heymann, Edward J. Swift Jr., 2001
Butcher Bird: The Focke-Wulf Fw 190
Edward Shacklady, 2003
Die Fünfte Computer-Generation: Künstliche Intelligenz und die Herausforderung Japans an die Welt
Edward A. Feigenbaum, Pamela McCorduck (auth.), 1984
An Introduction to Sociology
Bryan S. R. Green and Edward A. Johns (Auth.), 1966
Folate and Human Development
Nicholas D. E. Greene, Andrew J. Copp (auth.), Edward J. Massaro, John M. Rogers (eds.), 2002
Globalization and Its Outcomes
John O'Loughlin, Lynn Staeheli, Edward Greenberg, 2004
Advances in Accounting Education Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Bill N. Schwartz, J. Edward Ketz, 2003
Advances in Accounting Education Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Volume 6 (Advances in Accounting Education Teaching and Curriculum Innovations)
Bill N. Schwartz, J. Edward Ketz, 2005
An illustrated history of the Holy Bible: being a connected account of the remarkable events and distinguished characters contained in the Old and New Testaments, and in Jewish history during the four hundred years intervening between the time of Malachi and the birth of Christ; including also the life of Christ and His apostles
John Kitto; Alvan Bond; Charles H Hitchcock; Edward Kimpton; Robert Sears, 1869
A Basic Course in Probability Theory (Universitext)
Rabi Bhattacharya, Edward C. Waymire,, 2007
Rabi N. Bhattacharya: Selected Papers
Manfred Denker, Edward C. Waymire (eds.), 2016
Stochastic Processes With Applications (Classics in Applied Mathematics 61)
Rabi N. Bhattacharya, Edward C. Waymire, 2009
Stochastic Processes With Applications (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
Rabi N. Bhattacharya, Edward C. Waymire, 2009