نتایج جستجو

Tactile Sensing, Skill Learning, and Robotic Dexterous Manipulation
Qiang Li (editor), Shan Luo (editor), Zhaopeng Chen (editor), Chenguang Yang (editor), Jianwei Zhang (editor), 2022
Machine Intelligence and Data Science Applications: Proceedings of MIDAS 2021 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 132)
Vaclav Skala (editor), T. P. Singh (editor), Tanupriya Choudhury (editor), Ravi Tomar (editor), Md. Abul Bashar (editor), 2022
Atomically Dispersed Metallic Materials for Electrochemical Energy Technologies (Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion)
Wei Yan (editor), Xifei Li (editor), Shuhui Sun (editor), Xueliang Sun (editor), Jiujun Zhang (editor), 2022
Tissue Scaffolds (Springer Protocols Handbooks)
Naveen Kumar (editor), Vineet Kumar (editor), Sameer Shrivastava (editor), Anil Kumar Gangwar (editor), Sonal Saxena (editor), 2022
Recent Advances in AI-enabled Automated Medical Diagnosis
Richard Jiang (editor), Danny Crookes (editor), Hua-Liang Wei (editor), Li Zhang (editor), Paul Chazot (editor), 2022
Plurais e (des)iguais : polifonias e intercessões
Luciany Rosado Leitão Braga (editor); Marcondes Brito da Costa (editor); Fabricio César Moura Barbosa (editor); Marcela Castro Barbosa (editor); Maria Vilani Soares (editor), 2018
Ancient Supercontinents and the Paleogeography of Earth
Lauri J Pesonen (editor), Johanna Salminen (editor), Sten-Ake Elming (editor), David A.D. Evans (editor), Toni Veikkolainen (editor), 2021
Decolonising Knowledge and Knowers: Struggles for University Transformation in South Africa (Legitimation Code Theory)
Mlamuli Nkosingphile Hlatshwayo (editor), Hanelie Adendorff (editor), Margaret A.L. Blackie (editor), Aslam Fataar (editor), Paul Maluleka (editor), 2022
Data Analysis and Related Applications, Volume 2: Multivariate, Health and Demographic Data Analysis
Konstantinos N. Zafeiris (editor), Christos H. Skiadas (editor), Yiannis Dimotikalis (editor), Alex Karagrigoriou (editor), Christiana Karagrigoriou-Vonta (editor), 2022
Data Analysis and Related Applications, Volume 2: Multivariate, Health and Demographic Data Analysis
Konstantinos N. Zafeiris (editor), Christos H. Skiadas (editor), Yiannis Dimotikalis (editor), Alex Karagrigoriou (editor), Christiana Karagrigoriou-Vonta (editor), 2022
Liberalism in Neoliberal Times: Dimensions, Contradictions, Limits (Goldsmiths Press)
Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel (editor), Des Freedman (editor), Gholam Khiabany (editor), Kate Nash (editor), Julian Petley (editor), 2017
IRC-SET 2021: Proceedings of the 7th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, August 2021, Singapore
Huaqun Guo (editor), Hongliang Ren (editor), Victor Wang (editor), Eyasu Getahun Chekole (editor), Umayal Lakshmanan (editor), 2022
Postcoloniality and Forced Migration: Mobility, Control, Agency
Martin Lemberg-Pedersen (editor), Sharla M. Fett (editor), Lucy Mayblin (editor), Nina Sahraoui (editor), Eva Magdalena Stambøl (editor), 2022
Perspectives on the Environment (Volume 2): Interdisciplinary Research Network on Environment and Society (Routledge Revivals)
Sue Elworthy (editor), Kevin Anderson (editor), Ian Coates (editor), Piers Stephens (editor), Matt Stroh (editor), 2018
Handbook of Construction Safety, Health and Well-being in the Industry 4.0 Era
Patrick Manu (editor), Gao Shang (editor), Paulo Jorge Silva Bartolo (editor), Valerie Francis (editor), Anil Sawhney (editor), 2023
Waste Recovery and Management: An Approach Toward Sustainable Development Goals
Ashwini Kumar (editor), Ravi Kant Mittal (editor), Rajesh Goel (editor), Ajay (editor), Parveen (editor), 2023
Sprache - Kultur - Kommunikation / Language - Culture - Communication: Ein internationales Handbuch zu Linguistik als Kulturwissenschaft / An International Handbook of Linguistics as a Cultural Discipline
Ludwig Jäger (editor); Werner Holly (editor); Peter Krapp (editor); Samuel Weber (editor); Simone Heekeren (editor), 2016
Intelligent Analytics for Industry 4.0 Applications
Avinash Chandra Pandey (editor), Abhishek Verma (editor), Vijaypal Singh Rathor (editor), Munesh Singh (editor), Ashutosh Kumar Singh (editor), 2023
The Bosporus: Gateway Between the Ancient West and East (1st Millennium BC-5th Century AD) : Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Istanbul, 14th-18th September 2009
Gocha R. Tsetskhladze (editor), Sumer Atasoy (editor), A. Avram (editor), Şevket Donmez (editor), James Hargrave (editor), 2013
Handbuch Sprache in Organisationen
Stephan Habscheid (editor); Andreas P. Müller (editor); Britta Thörle (editor); Antje Wilton (editor); Jonas Heimann (editor), 2018
Diversity in Archaeology: Proceedings of the Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference 2020/2021
Elifgl Dogan (editor), Mariana Pinto Leitao Pereira (editor), Oliver Antczak (editor), Min Lin (editor), Phoebe Thompson (editor), 2022
Europa im Geflecht der Welt: Mittelalterliche Migrationen in globalen Bezügen
Michael Borgolte (editor); Julia Dücker (editor); Marcel Müllerburg (editor); Paul Predatsch (editor); Bernd Schneidmüller (editor), 2012
The Archaeology of Tanamu 1: A Pre-Lapita to Post-Lapita Site from Caution Bay, South Coast of Mainland Papua New Guinea
Bruno David (editor), Katherine Szabo (editor), Matthew Leavesley (editor), Ian J. McNiven (editor), Jeremy Ash (editor), 2022
Removing Barriers to Environmental Comfort in the Global South (Green Energy and Technology)
Laura Marín-Restrepo (editor), Alexis Pérez-Fargallo (editor), María Beatriz Piderit-Moreno (editor), Maureen Trebilcock-Kelly (editor), Paulina Wegertseder-Martínez (editor), 2023