نتایج جستجو

Sparks and seeds : medieval literature and its afterlife : essays in honor of John Freccero
Cornish, Alison; Stewart, Dana E.; Mazzotta, Giuseppe, 2000
The Shadow and Its Shadow: Surrealist Writings on the Cinema
Paul Hammond, 2000
Enterprise and its Environment (1) (Herriot-Watt University)
Linda McGilrvay, 2012
Ovidian Transformations: Essays on the Metamorphoses and Its Reception
Stephen Hinds, Philip R. Hardie, Alessandro Barchiesi, 1999
Rogues' Gallery: A History of Art and its Dealers
Philip Hook, 2017
The Iranian Talmud : reading the Bavli in its Sasanian context
Shai Secunda, 2014
Al Qaeda in Its Own Words
Gilles Kepel; Pascale Ghazaleh; Thomas Hegghammer; Jean-Pierre Milelli; Stéphane Lacroix; Omar Saghi, 2009
Linear Algebra and Its Applications (5th Edition)
David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, Judi J. McDonald, 2015
European domestic architecture: its development from early times
Sherban Cantacuzino, 1969
Satellite technology and its applications.
P. R. K. Chetty, 1991
Sthiramati's Triṃśikāvijñaptibhāṣya: Critical Editions of the Sanskrit Text and its Tibetan Translation
Hartmut Buescher, Sthiramati, Vasubandhu, 2007
A Vietcong Memoir; An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath
Truong Nhu Tang, 1986
A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath
Như Tảng Trương, 1986
A Left That Dares to Speak Its Name: 34 Untimely Interventions
Slavoj Žižek, 2020
Metaphor: Its Cognitive Force and Linguistic Structure
Kittay, Eva Feder, 1989
Wonderful Things: Byzantium through its Art: Papers from the Forty-Second Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, London, 20-22 March 2009
Antony Eastmond, Liz James (eds.), 2016
Science Fiction: Its Criticism and Teaching
Patrick Parrinder, 2005
Mass Spectrometry and its Applications to Organic Chemistry
J. H. Beynon, 1960
Discrete mathematics and its applications
Kenneth H. Rosen, 2013
1968: Radical Protest and Its Enemies
Richard Vinen, 2018
The Nusayri-Alawi Religion: An Enquiry Into Its Theology and Liturgy
Meir M. Bar-Asher, Aryeh Kofksy, 2002