نتایج جستجو

Building Evolutionary Architectures: Automated Software Governance
Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, Patrick Kua, Pramod Sadalage, 2022
Academic Motherhood : How Faculty Manage Work and Family
Kelly Ward; Lisa Wolf-Wendel, 2012
经世韬略(套装共14册)(天下无谋) (有间文库)
来俊臣; 冯道; 张居正; 杜预; 杨慎; 文中子; 晏殊; 刘劭; 李义府; 傅昭; 王旦; 薛居正; 许劭, 2021
Grundzüge der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Henner Schierenbeck; Claudia B. Wöhle, 2016
Managing Conflict in a Negotiated World : A Narrative Approach to Achieving Productive Dialogue and Change
Peter M. Kellett; Diana G. Dalton, 2001
Studies in 13th Century Justice and Administration
C.A.F. Meekings, 1981
The Changing Landscape of School Leadership : Recalibrating the School Principalship
M. Scott Norton, 2015
Casos de dirección estratégica
Juan Llopis Taverner, 2012
Water Challenges in Rural and Urban Sub-Saharan Africa and their Management
Joan Nyika, Megersa Olumana Dinka, 2023
Malevolent Managers : Insights Using Executive Impression Management
Terry A. Sheridan, 2016
Personalmanagement und High Potentials: Top-Talente finden und binden
Dirk Lippold, 2020
The Global Challenge: Managing People Across Borders
Vladimir Pucik, Ingmar Björkman, Paul Evans, Günter K. Stahl, 2023
Managing Local Government Archives
John H. Slate; Kaye Lanning Minchew, 2016
Patentbewertung : ein Praxisleitfaden zum Patentmanagement
Jürgen Ensthaler; Kai Strübbe, 2006
Managed Care and the Evaluation and Adoption of Emerging Medical Technologies
Steven Garber; M. Susan Ridgley; Roger S. Taylor; Robin Meili, 2000
Manage Anxiety Through CBT
Windy Dryden, 2014
Water Recycling and Water Management
Daniel M. Carrey, 2010