نتایج جستجو

Decolonising Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in an Age of Technocolonialism: Recentring African Indigenous Knowledge and Belief Systems
Artwell Nhemachena, Nokuthula Hlabangane, Joseph Z. Z. Matowanyika, 2020
Dynamics of the Cuban Revolution: A Marxist Appreciation
Joseph Hansen, 1978
Christianity and Sociological Theory: Reclaiming the Promise
Joseph A. Scimecca, 2018
Christianity and Sociological Theory: Reclaiming the Promise
Joseph A. Scimecca, 2018
Society in Focus: An Introduction to Sociology, Ninth Edition
William E. Thompson, Joseph V. Hickey and Mica L. Thompson, 2018
Über Auswanderung in besonderer Hinsicht auf Baiern
Joseph von Wisinger, 1804
Praying Our Experiences: An Invitation to Open Our Lives to God
Joseph F. Schmidt, 2008
The Gospel According to St. Therese: A Faith-Sharing Guide
Joseph F Schmidt, 2017
Bias in the Law: A Definitive Look at Racial Prejudice in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
Joseph Avery, Jim Sidanius, Joel Cooper, Gregory Davis, Amanda Nicholson Bergold, Oana Dumitru, Asma Ghani, Rachel D. Godsil, Rebecca C. Hetey, Margaret Bull Kovera, Besiki Luka Kutateladze, Andrea Lyon, Naci Mocan, Ojmarrh Mitchell, Mort Smith, Tessa West, 2021
The Truth about Saint Joseph: Encountering the Most Hidden of Saints
Fr. Maurice Meschler, 2017
The Fruits of Fatima: A Century of Signs and Wonders
Joseph Pronechen, 2019
More Saintly Solutions
Fr Joseph M Esper, 2012
Conventions and Choices: A Brief Book of Style and Usage
Joseph Wayne Gordon, Stephen Merriam Foley
The Work of Teaching Writing: Learning from Fiction, Film, and Drama
Joseph Harris, 2020
Take And Eat: Living Eucharistically
Joseph DeGrocco, 2010
The Liturgy Documents, Volume Four: Supplemental Documents for Parish Worship, Devotions, Formation and Catechesis
Mark E. Wedig; Joyce Ann Zimmerman; Corinna Laughlin; Wilton D. Gregory; John T. Pawlikowski; Paul Turner; Mark R. Francis; Michael R. Prendergast; J. Philip Horrigan; Paul F. Ford; Joseph DeGrocco; Ricky Manalo; Thomas P. Looney; Jo-Ann Metzdorff; Francis L. Agnoli; Patrick R. Lagges, 2014
Masculinity and Aspiration in an Era of Neoliberal Education: International Perspectives
Garth Stahl, Joseph Nelson, Derron Wallace, 2017
Masculinity and Aspiration in an Era of Neoliberal Education: International Perspectives
Garth Stahl, Joseph Nelson, Derron Wallace, 2016
OpenCV Computer Vision with Python
Joseph Howse, 2013
General, Organic, and Biochemistry
Katherine J. Denniston, Joseph J. Topping, Danaè R. Quirk Dorr, Robert L. Caret, 2020
Gregory D. Cascino, Joseph I. Sirven, William O. Tatum (ed.), 2021