نتایج جستجو

Catching Fire: A Translation Diary
Daniel Hahn, 2022
The First Testament: A New Translation
John E. Goldingay, 2018
海德格尔: 翻译解释与理解
王庆节, 张任之 (ed), 2017
The Hellenistic Period: Historical Sources in Translation
Roger S. Bagnall, Peter Derow, 2003
Zur arabischen Übersetzung der Menandersentenzen
Rudolf Fuhrer, 1993
Writing Adaptations and Translations for the Stage: A Guide and Workbook for New and Experienced Writers
Jacqueline Goldfinger, Allison Horsley, 2022
Theophrast De odoribus: Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar
Ulrich Eigler, Georg Wöhrle, 2015
Vices and Virtues, Being a Soul's Confession of its Sins, Part 1: Text and Translation
Ferdinand Holthausen (ed.), 1888
Dione di Prusa: Orazioni I, II, III, IV ("Sulla regalità"), Orazione LXII (Sulla regalità e sulla tirannide"): edizione critica, traduzione e commento
Gustavo Vagnone; Dio Chrysostom; Dion of Prusa; Cocceianus Dio, 2012
Go 编程实用手册(机翻)
it-ebooks, 2022
经济相互依赖与战争 (Economic Interdependence and War) 机翻双语
戴尔·C·科普兰, Copeland, Dale C., 2014
Civilização Grega, trad. José Saramago, Lisboa
André Bonnard
Translation in Mitochondria and Other Organelles
Manjuli R. Sharma, Prem S. Kaushal (auth.), Anne-Marie Duchêne (eds.), 2013
The Earliest Complete English Psalter, Together With Canticles and a Translation of the Athanasian Creed, Part 1
Karl D. Bulbring (ed.), 1891
Dịch kinh tường giải (Di cảo): Quyển Thượng
Thu Giang Nguyễn Duy Cần, 2018
Dịch kinh tường giải (Di cảo): Quyển Hạ
Thu Giang Nguyễn Duy Cần, 2018
孟庆升, 张希春, 全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会, 2014
李夜, 周俊英, 1999
Technical Translation
JODY BYRNE (eds.), 2006