نتایج جستجو

Hands on Media History: A new methodology in the humanities and social sciences
Nick Hall (editor), John Ellis (editor), 2019
The Digital City: Media and the Social Production of Place: 4 (Critical Cultural Communication)
Germaine R. Halegoua, 2020
The Orce Man: Controversy, Media and Politics in Human Origins Research: 3 (Cultural Dynamics of Science)
Miquel Carandell Baruzzi, 2020
Variations on Media Thinking
Siegfried Zielinski, 2019
Student Essays on Lars von Trier (Critical Media Studies Book 6)
Wake Forest University Students, Mary Dalton (editor), Shelby Halliman (editor), 2019
Information Spread in a Social Media Age: Modeling and Control
Michael Muhlmeyer, Shaurya Agarwal, 2021
Abenteuer Informatik: IT zum Anfassen für alle von 9 bis 99 – vom Navi bis Social Media
Jens Gallenbacher, 2021
Media Arabic: Journalistic Discourse for Advanced Students of Arabic
Jonas Elbousty, 2021
Global Media Ethics: Problems and Perspectives
Stephen J. A. Ward (editor), 2013
Gaming Utopia: Ludic Worlds in Art, Design, and Media
Claudia Costa Pederson, 2021
Scandal and Democracy: Media Politics in Indonesia
Mary E. McCoy, 2019
Photography and Other Media in the Nineteenth Century
Nicoletta Leonardi, Simone Natale, 2018
Media and Class: TV, Film, and Digital Culture
June Deery (editor), Andrea Press (editor), 2017
Media Literacy Education in Action: Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspectives
Belinha S. De Abreu (editor), Paul Mihailidis (editor), 2013
Los puertos del Atlántico en la Baja Edad Media: navegación, instituciones y gobernanza
Jesús Ángel Solórzano Telechea, José Damián González Arce, Iñaki Bazán Díaz, 2021
Programming media art using processing a beginner's guide
Margaret Noble, 2021
Media Practices, Social Movements, and Performativity: Transdisciplinary Approaches
Susanne Foellmer (editor), Margreth Lünenborg (editor), Christoph Raetzsch (editor), 2017
Understanding Media Psychology
Gayle S. Stever, David C. Giles, J. David Cohen, Mary E. Myers, 2021
Historia universal: Los fundamentos del mundo moderno. Edad Media tardía, Renacimiento, Reforma
Ruggiero Romano, Alberto Tenenti, 1980
Media Choice: A Theoretical and Empirical Overview
Hartmann Tilo; Tilo Hartmann, 2009