نتایج جستجو

India Pakistan Bangladesh : perspectives on history, society, and politics
A. F. Salahuddin Ahmed, 2001
Islamic Contestations: Essays on Muslims in India and Pakistan
Barbara D. Metcalf, 2004
History of Science, Technology, Environment, and Medicine in India
Suvobrata Sarkar (editor), 2021
One Language, Two Scripts: The Hindi Movement in Nineteenth Century North India
Christopher Rolland King, 1994
Politics of identity and nation building in Northeast India
Girin Phukon; Nikunjalata Dutta, 1997
India and the Commonwealth 1885–1929
S. R. Mehrotra, 2021
Politics and Society in India
C. H. Philips (editor), 2021
The Germans in India: Elite European migrants in the British Empire
Panikos Panayi, 2017
Daniel Gimeno, 2010
Beyond Regimes: China and India Compared
Prasenjit Duara (editor), Elizabeth J. Perry (editor), 2018
Religious Interactions in Modern India
Martin Fuchs (editor), Vasudha Dalmia (editor), 2019
The Story of Yoga: From Ancient India to the Modern West
Alistair Shearer, 2020
Cordial Cold War: Cultural Actors in India and the German Democratic Republic
Anandita Bajpai (editor), 2021
Asian Ideas of East and West: Tagore and His Critics in Japan, China, and India
Stephen N. Hay, 1970
Print and the Urdu Public: Muslims, Newspapers, and Urban Life in Colonial India
Megan Eaton Robb, 2020
India ősi bölcsessége
Dr. Héjjas István, 2006
Packing for India: A Life of Action in Global Finance and Diplomacy
David C. Lincoln Mulford, 2014
Tilak and Gokhale: Revolution and Reform in the Making of Modern India
Stanley A. Wolpert, 1977
British India and Victorian Literary Culture
Máire ni Fhlathúin, 2015
Fragmented Memories: Struggling to be Tai-Ahom in India
Yasmin Saikia, 2004
India’s Grand Strategy and Foreign Policy: Strategic Pluralism and Subcultures
Bernhard Beitelmair-Berini, 2021
India, Europe and the Question of Cultural Difference: The Apeiron of Relations
D. Venkat Rao, 2021