نتایج جستجو

Adaptive Resonance Theory in Social Media Data Clustering: Roles, Methodologies, and Applications
Lei Meng, Ah-Hwee Tan, Donald C. Wunsch II, 2019
香港歌词八十谈 /Xianggang ge ci ba shi tan
黄志华 朱耀伟, 2014
Terrorism and Insurgency in Asia: A Contemporary Examination of Terrorist and Separatist Movements
Benjamin Schreer; Andrew T. H. Tan, 2019
高龄化社会 : 四十岁开始探讨老年 /Gao ling hua she hui : Si shi sui kai shi tan tao lao nian
Array, Array; Array, Array; Array, Array, 1991.11, 1998
非人 : 时间漫谈 /Fei Ren : Shi jian man tan
Array, Array; Luo, Guoxiang, 2000
Jack the Ripper: The Murders, the Mystery, the Myth
Victor Stapleton, Darren Tan, 2014
Polymer Electrolytes: Characterization Techniques and Energy Applications
Tan Winie, Abdul K. Arof, Sabu Thomas, 2020
Comet in Our Sky: Lim Chin Siong in History
Jing Quee Tan, Jomo K. S., 2001
Urban Landscapes in High-Density Cities: Parks, Streetscapes, Ecosystems
Bianca Maria Rinaldi, Puay Yok Tan, 2019
The Wave Drag of a Supersonic Biplane of Finite Span
Tan, Hao-Sung
Mitos’tan Logos’a Eski Yunan Felsefesinde Aşk
Hasan Aydın, Nisan, 2013
Graphene Photonics
Jia-Ming Liu, I-Tan Lin, 2018
Mastering Ruby Closures: A Guide to Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas
Benjamin Tan Wei Hao, 2017
Maxon Tan, 2016
Özel Hayatın Tarihi 3- Rönesans'tan Aydınlanma'ya
Philippe Aries; Georges Duby, 2007
Tan Kızıllığı: Ahlaksal Önyargılar Üzerine Düşünceler
Friedrich Nietzsche, 2014
Marx'tan Sonra
Michel Foucault, 2004
Marx'tan Foucault'ya İdeoloji
Michele Barrett, 2004
Atlas of Differential Diagnosis in Breast Pathology
Puay Hoon Tan and Aysegul A. Sahin, 2014
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences
Soo T. Tan, 2006
Interaction of Living Matter with Synthetic Structural Analogues
Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser-Sinner; Cherng-Wen Darren Tan
Long-Term Reliability of Nanometer VLSI Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Optimization
Sheldon Tan, Mehdi Tahoori, Taeyoung Kim, Shengcheng Wang, Zeyu Sun, Saman Kiamehr, 2019