نتایج جستجو

A Case Study of a Community Affected by the Witch and Guejito Fires: Report #2 – Evaluating the Effects of Hazard Mitigation Actions on Structure Ignitions
Alexander Maranghides, Derek McNamara, William Mell, Jason Trook, Blaza Toman, 2013
Advanced Planning in Supply Chains: Illustrating the Concepts Using an SAP® APO Case Study
Hartmut Stadtler, Bernhard Fleischmann, Martin Grunow, Herbert Meyr, Christopher Sürie (auth.), 2012
Advanced Planning in Supply Chains: Illustrating the Concepts Using an SAP® APO Case Study
Hartmut Stadtler, Bernhard Fleischmann, Martin Grunow, Herbert Meyr, Christopher Sürie (auth.), 2012
Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-Based Textbook
Douglas S. Diekema, Mark R. Mercurio, Mary B. Adam, 2011
Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-Based Textbook
Douglas S. Diekema, Mark R. Mercurio, Mary B. Adam, 2011
Construction supply chain management: concepts and case studies
Stephen Pryke, 2009
Food Safety: A Practical and Case Study Approach
Tsvetko Prokopov, Stoyan Tanchev (auth.), Anna McElhatton, Richard J. Marshall (eds.), 2007
Food Safety: A Practical and Case Study Approach (Integrating Safety and Environmental Knowledge Into Food Studies towards European Sustainable Development)
Anna McElhatton, Richard J. Marshall, 2006
31st Hemophilia Symposium Hamburg 2000: Epidemiology Inhibitors in Hemophilia Therapy and Monitoring of Bleeds in Acute and Intensive Care Medicine Pediatric Hemostaseology Case Reports
I. Scharrer (auth.), Professor Dr. med. Inge Scharrer, Professor Dr. med. Wolfgang Schramm (eds.), 2002
HR to the Rescue. Case Studies of HR Solutions to Business Challenges
Edward M. Mone and Manuel London, Ph.D. (Eds.), 1998
Case Study Methodology in Business Research
Jan Dul, Tony Hak, 2007
Case Studies in Project Management - The Chunnel Project
Anbari, Frank T. (Eds.), 2005
Case Studies in Project Management - The Glasgow Science Centre Tower Project
Anbari, Frank T., 2006
Case Studies in Project Management - The Guri Dam
Anbari, Frank T., 2006
Case Studies in Project Management - The Mars Pathfinder Project
Anbari, Frank T. (Eds.), 2006
Guide to High Performance Distributed Computing: Case Studies with Hadoop, Scalding and Spark
K.G. Srinivasa, Anil Kumar Muppalla (auth.), 2015
7th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements: Mechanisms, Modeling, Testing, Detection and Prevention Case Histories
Louay N. Mohammad, Minkyum Kim (auth.), A. Scarpas, N. Kringos, I. Al-Qadi, Loizos A. (eds.), 2012
Practical Soil Dynamics: Case Studies in Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering
Milutin Srbulov (auth.), 2011
CASE-технологии. Практикум
Д. Э. Федотова, Ю. Д. Семенов, К. Н. Чижик, 2005
A Business and Labour History of Britain: Case studies of Britain in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Mike Richardson, Peter Nicholls, 2011
A Business and Labour History of Britain: Case studies of Britain in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Mike Richardson, Peter Nicholls (eds.), 2011