نتایج جستجو

Nonsmooth optimization: Proceedings of a IIASA workshop
Claude Lemarechal (Editor), R. Mifflin (Editor), 1978
Cento anni di Giorgio Bassani
G. Ferroni (editor), C. Gurreri (editor), 2019
Reading Opera
Arthur Groos (editor), Roger Parker (editor), 1988
La voce mediatizzata
S. Lombardi Vallauri (editor), M. Rizzuti (editor), 2019
La nostalgia del futuro. Scritti scelti 1948-1989
Luigi Nono, A. I. De Benedictis (editor), V. Rizzardi (editor), 2007
Martin Heidegger, F. V. Herrmann (editor), G. Strummiello (editor), 2017
Viaggio in Italia
Simone Weil, D. Canciani (editor), M. A. Vito (editor), 2015
La rivelazione greca
Simone Weil, G. Gaeta (editor), M. C. Sala (editor), 2014
Perspectives on Schoenberg and Stravinsky
Benjamin Boretz (editor), Edward T. Cone (editor), 2016
Latin American Music Reader: Views from the South
Javier F. León (editor), Helena Simonett (editor), 2016
Humor in Middle Eastern Cinema
Gayatri Devi (editor); Najat Rahman (editor), 2014
Legal Theory and the Social Sciences, Volume II
Maksymilian Del Mar (editor), Michael Giudice (editor), 2016
From World War to Waldheim: Culture and Politics in Austria and the United States
David F. Good (editor), Ruth Wodak (editor), 1999
Beyond Inclusion: The Practice of Equal Access in Indian Higher Education
Satish Deshpande (editor), Usha Zacharias (editor), 2012
A Future for Public Service Television
Des Freedman (editor), Vana Goblot (editor), 2018
Race in France: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Politics of Difference
Herrick Chapman (editor), Laura Levine Frader (editor), 2004
The Princeton handbook of world poetries
Stephen Cushman (editor); Roland Greene (editor), 2017
Filosofia della psicoanalisi. Un'introduzione in ventuno passi
S. Vizzardelli (editor), F. Cimatti (editor), 2012
Sport, Politics and Society in the Middle East
Danyel Reiche (editor), Tamir Sorek (editor), 2019
Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume VI: British Columbia and the Yukon
Hamar Foster (editor), John McLaren (editor), 1995
The right to dress : sumptuary laws in a global perspective, c. 1200-1800
Giorgio Riello (editor); Ulinka Rublack (editor), 2019
Social Work Theories and Methods
Mel Gray (editor), Stephen A. Webb (editor), 2012
Volubilis après Rome: Les fouilles UCL/INSAP, 2000-2005
Elizabeth Fentress (editor), Hassan Limane (editor), 2018
International textbook of aesthetic surgerynVolume 1
Nicolò Scuderi (editor); Bryant A. Toth (editor), 2016