نتایج جستجو

Aprendizaje integrado: investigaciones internacionales y casos prácticos
Daniel Blackshields (editor), James G. Cronin (editor), Bettie Higgs (editor), Shane Kilcommins (editor), Marian McCarthy (editor), Anthony Ryan (editor), 2016
Le glaive et la balance
Charles Villeneuve, Daniel Soulez-Larivière, 1989
The Four Thoughts That F*ck You Up ... and How to Fix Them
Daniel Fryer, 2019
Popular Sovereignty in Early Modern Constitutional Thought
Daniel Lee, 2016
丹尼尔 •A.鲍威斯; 谢宇; Daniel Powers; Yu Xie, 2009
The Red Road and Other Narratives of the Dakota Sioux
Samuel I. Mniyo; Robert Goodvoice; Daniel M. Beveridge; Jurgita Antoine; David Reed Miller, 2020
The Comfort of People
Daniel Miller, 2017
A Kingdom of Water: Adaptation and Survival in the Houma Nation
J. Daniel d'Oney, 2020
TinyML: Machine Learning with TensorFlow Lite on Arduino and Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers
Pete Warden, Daniel Situnayake, 2019
The Age of Oligarchy, 1722-1783: Pre-Industrial Britain
Geoffrey Holmes; Daniel Szechi, 2014
Violenza divina. Un problema esegetico e antropologico
Jean-Daniel Causse, Élian Cuvillier, André Wénin, 2012
Avis de décès. Les tribulations d'un croque-mort
Daniel Naud
Chu Hsi and the Ta-hsueh: Neo-Confucian Reflection on the Confucian Canon
Daniel K. Gardner, 1986
Comprendre Adam Smith
Jean-Daniel Boyer, 2011
A Companion to the Ancient Near East
Daniel C. Snell, 2020
Woodworking 101 Tips: Woodworking Plans and Projects for Beginners
Hamrick, Daniel, 2015
A música no seu cérebro: a ciência de uma obsessão humana
Daniel J. Levitin, 2010
Soil Chemistry
Daniel G. Strawn, Hinrich L. Bohn, 2019
Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis: A Global Perspective
S. David Young, Jacob Cohen, Daniel A. Bens, 2019
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership
Harvard Business Review, Peter F. Drucker, Daniel Goleman, Bill George, 2011
Villages de charme en France
Janet Tabinski (editor); Daniel Alibert-Kouraguine; Évelyne Jouve; Franck Jouve, 1997
The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces, Volume 2: Signal Processing, Architectures, and Detection of Emotion and Cognition
Sharon Oviatt, Björn Schuller, Philip R. Cohen, Daniel Sonntag, Gerasimos Potamianos and Antonio Krüger, 2018