نتایج جستجو

Home, Memory and Belonging in Italian Postcolonial Literature
Chiara Giuliani, 2021
Lacan in Literature and Film: A Closer Look at the Formation of Subjectivity in Lacanian Epistemology
Nurten Birlik, Tugce Cankaya, 2015
Discourse in Psychoanalysis and Literature
Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, 1987
Modernism and the Anthropocene: Material Ecologies of Twentieth-Century Literature
Jon Hegglund (editor), John McIntyre (editor), 2021
Reading the Obscene: Transgressive Editors and the Class Politics of US Literature
Jordan Carroll, 2021
Victorian Contingencies: Experiments in Literature, Science, and Play
Tina Young Choi, 2021
Aleister Crowley, Sylvester Viereck, Literature, Lust, and the Great War
Patrick J. Quinn, 2021
Postcolonial perspectives on the Raj and its literature
Nilufer E. Bharucha; Vrinda Nabar, 1994
Diaphanous Bodies: Ability, Disability, and Modernist Irish Literature
Jeremy Colangelo, 2021
Extraction Ecologies and the Literature of the Long Exhaustion
Elizabeth Carolyn Miller, 2021
Devotion: Three Inquiries in Religion, Literature, and Political Imagination
Constance M. Furey, Sarah Hammerschlag, Amy Hollywood, 2021
Empire's Nursery: Children's Literature and the Origins of the American Century
Brian Rouleau, 2021
Uncertain Refuge: Sanctuary in the Literature of Medieval England
Elizabeth Allen, 2021
Literature and Film from East Europe’s Forgotten "Second World": Essays of Invitation
Gordana P. Crnkovic, 2021
In the Poets' Footsteps: Literature, Tourism, and Regional Promotion
Giovanni Capecchi, 2021
An Introduction to the Literature of eSwatini
Kerry Vincent, Zodwa Motsa, 2020
Imperialism and Juvenile Literature
Jeffrey Richards (editor), 1989
Queer Angels in Post-1945 American Literature and Culture: Bad Beatitudes
David Deutsch, 2021
Historical Dictionary of Leonard Bernstein (Historical Dictionaries of Literature and the Arts)
Paul R. Laird, Hsun Lin, 2019
Journal of Literature, Culture & Media Studies
N.D.R. Chandra (Editor), 2020