نتایج جستجو

Defining NASA: the historical debate over the agency's mission
W. D. Kay, 2005
Case Files Emergency Medicine (LANGE Case Files)
Eugene Toy, Barry Simon, Terrence Liu, Jorge Trujillo, Kay Takenaka, 2004
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: 5th International Conference, AH 2008, Hannover, Germany, July 29 - August 1, 2008. Proceedings
Jan Borchers (auth.), Wolfgang Nejdl, Judy Kay, Pearl Pu, Eelco Herder (eds.), 2008
The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7
Benjamin Melançon, Jacine Luisi, Károly Négyesi, Greg Anderson, Bojhan Somers, Stéphane Corlosquet, Stefan Freudenberg, Michelle Lauer, Ed Carlevale, Florian Lorétan, Dani Nordin, Ryan Szrama, Susan Stewart, Jake Strawn, Brian Travis, Dan Hakimzadeh, Amye Scavarda, Albert Albala, Allie Micka, Robert Douglass, Robin Monks, Roy Scholten, Peter Wolanin, Kay Van Valkenburgh, Greg Stout, Kasey Qynn Dolin, Mike Gifford, Claudina Sarahe, Sam Boyer, Forest Mars, George Cassie, Mike Ryan, Nathaniel Catch, 2011
Exploring the Solar System: A History with 22 Activities
Mary Kay Carson, 2008
Rene Ritchie, 1999
Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic Management in Europe
Jones, Jeffrey C.; Knopp, Martin C.; Fitzpatrick, Kay; Doctor, Mark A.; Howard, Charles E.; Laragan, Gregory M.; Rosenow, James A.; Struve, Brooke A.; Thrasher, Barton A.; Young, Elizabeth G.
Women, Gender and Christian Community
Jane Dempsey Douglass, James F. Kay, 1997
Asthma and Allergic Diseases. Physiology, Immunopharmacology, and Treatment
Gianni Marone, K. Frank Austen, Stephen T. Holgate, A. Barry Kay and Lawrence M. Uchtenstein (Eds.), 1998
Architecture of Computing Systems – ARCS 2012: 25th International Conference, Munich, Germany, February 28 - March 2, 2012. Proceedings
Andreas Heinig, Vincent J. Mooney, Florian Schmoll, Peter Marwedel, Krishna Palem (auth.), Andreas Herkersdorf, Kay Römer, Uwe Brinkschulte (eds.), 2012
Graue Eminenzen der Macht: Küchenkabinette in der deutschen Kanzlerdemokratie. Von Adenauer bis Schröder
Kay Müller, Franz Walter (auth.), 2004
Klinikleitfaden Gynäkologie Geburtshilfe
Kay Goerke and Joachim Steller (Eds.), 2013
Klinikleitfaden Gynäkologie Geburtshilfe
Goerke, Kay; Steller, Joachim; Valet, Axel, 2015
Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced Development: First International Conference, SEAFOOD 2007, Zurich, Switzerland, February 5-6, 2007. Revised Papers
Kay Berkling, Michael Geisser (auth.), Bertrand Meyer, Mathai Joseph (eds.), 2007
Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced Development: Second International Conference, SEAFOOD 2008, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-3, 2008. Revised Papers
Jarmo J. Ahonen, Anu Valtanen (auth.), Kay Berkling, Mathai Joseph, Bertrand Meyer, Martin Nordio (eds.), 2009
Hereditary Colorectal Cancer
Susan K. Clark, Kay F. Neale, Robin K. S. Phillips (auth.), Miguel A. Rodriguez-Bigas, Raul Cutait, Patrick M. Lynch, Ian Tomlinson, Hans F.A. Vasen (eds.), 2010
Hereditary colorectal cancer
Susan K. Clark, Kay F. Neale, Robin K. S. Phillips (auth.), Miguel A. Rodriguez-Bigas, Raul Cutait, Patrick M. Lynch, Ian Tomlinson, Hans F.A. Vasen (eds.), 2010
European Pentecostalism
Kay, William K.; Dyer, Anne E, 2011
Commercial Propagation of Orchids in Tissue Culture: Seed-Flasking Methods
Kay S. Greisen, 2002
Asphalt Nation: How the Automobile Took Over America and How We Can Take It Back
Jane Holtz Kay, 1998
Architecture of Computing Systems – ARCS 2014: 27th International Conference, Lübeck, Germany, February 25-28, 2014. Proceedings
Erik Maehle, Kay Römer, Wolfgang Karl, Eduardo Tovar (eds.), 2014
Tough Tactics for Tough Times: How to Maintain Business Success in Difficult Economic Conditions
Patrick Forsyth, Frances Kay, 2009