نتایج جستجو

Heat Flow Below 100°k and its Technical Applications. Proceedings of the International Institute of Refrigeration Commission 1, Grenoble, 1965
The International Institute of Refrigeration (Auth.), 1966
Progress in Refrigeration Science and Technology. Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Refrigeration, Munich, 1963
The International Institute of Refrigeration (Auth.), 1965
Hamiltonian systems and celestial mechanics : proceedings of the III international symposium, PaМЃtzcuaro, MichoacaМЃn, MeМЃxico, 7 - 11 December 1998
Mexico) International Symposium on Hamiltonian Systems, 2000
Emotions, Qualia, and Consciousness: Proceedings of the International School of Biocybernetics Casamicciola, Napoli, Italy, 19-24 October 1998 (Biophysics and Biocybernetics)
International School of Biocybernetics, 2001